highest x salvia and symptoms?


Active Member
So I am sorta new to salvia. I've done 7x a few times and it was CRAAAZY!... I smoked on a bench overlooking the ocean with a friend. I thought other people joined us! And it seemed like everything i saw in front of me was just like a stage that changes (if that even makes sense). I Cant even imagine what 20x would do. Then i went into a store and i saw 160X! Has anyone ever done that or maybe even higher? What were your salvia experiences like?


Active Member
i did some supposely 40x in high school that a buddy brought over, took a huge bowl and made me black out for 20 minutes on the most craziest trip. I didnt know it was that crazy strong out of my 2 ft roor hah:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i smoked x40 salvia and it gave me a headache,
made me itchy and it tasted fucking nasty.
i think salvia is shit! im gonna stick wit my weed and my shrooms!


Active Member
i did 20x and 30x. 30x made the world kovered in plaid stripes and me n my friends looked like mount rushmore


Well-Known Member
i smoked a bowl of 80x while spinning around in a computer chair. next thing i know im on the floor trying to pull myself out of the trip it was completely weird which is why i hate that shit. the linoleum floor had a crazy pattern on it and at first i was going with it crawling on the floor untill i realized i was in a sick tripp and i grabbed the doorframe between the living room and the kitchen and people said i was holding onto it for dear life.it was weird because i could feel the psychedelic patterns on the floor pulling me into the kitchen and deeper into my trip but that is why i grabbed the doorframe to stop myself. sorry if this sounds a little chopped and screwed but you guys know what im sayin sayin sayin


Active Member
I know that there is 120x and its probably too much. One of my friends who did 120x for his first time thought that those trains from Thomas the Tank Engine were chasing him and controlling his life or something. lol

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
I've done 120x that my buddy got online, and we were trippin balls. Once we took my Mercedes to the mall at about 10 pm and once we got there we each took a bong hit. When the hit was just kicking in I took the bong to the trunk of my car, but by the time I got there I was tripping too hard to get it in. I remember just as I was coming out of the trip that I thought everything in the universe had been processed except for my Mercedes, which now was reduced to only the symbol on the hood that I was holding in my hand (which turned out to be my car keys that had the same symbol on them). I looked at it and exclaimed "Oh no!" because I thought the rest of my car had been ground up and lost into the universe. My buddy asked me what was wrong and I told him and he belived it too (still tripping, of course), and it took us several minutes to realize my car was right in front of us.

Also, I once held a conversation with my sofa while on 120x. It initiated the conversation by urging me to become an inatimate object (such as itself), to which I replied "Do I have to?", then it said "Yes, it is inevitable", so I complied, and immediately emerged from the trip. My uncle who was present at the time only heard my side of the conversation.


Well-Known Member
Myself, my roommate, and my girlfriend tried some salvia 100x not too long ago. Not only was it powerful, but disturbing. We each tried it 3-4 times over a 2 week period and each time we smoked, we went to the same fucking place. It was like being in a twisted form of the Matrix. Not enjoyable when compared to acid or shrooms. Make sure you have a trip sitter if you smoke a strong salvia extract!

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I did it probably 25 or 30 times in all. In my first trip, everything was just funny. I started laughing and my buddy and I started talking to eachother in retard voices and laughing our asses off. My next few trips were just strange, not really disturbing. In several of those it seemed like the dimensions were caving in a bit, or flowing into eachother in almost an aesthetic sense as if time were a disturbance of space and vice versa. It's very hard to explain unless you experience it for yourself. Then my trips started giving me a cold chill, as if something was physically cutting away at me. In my last few trips on salvia, I could feel time as almost a force, and twice I sort of passed out and went into a daze in which I could see myself lying there and being slowly pushed along through time (it was during this stage that my conversation with the sofa occured), and at that point I realized my trips were getting way too weird and I didn't want to go any deeper, so I haven't done it for a little over a year now. However, if one of my friends busted out a vile of salvia and a pipe I'd probably take a hit or two, just for old time's sake :-D

Around the time that my buddy was taking videos of us all tripping on salvia, my uncle had a really weird trip, in which he looked to the sky and exclaimed "OH NO!" then put his head in his hands and started muttering giberish, all the while my buddy and I were laughing our asses off. Next time I talk to him I'll have to see if he saved that clip, it would be very interesting material to post.


I did 20x. I tripped balls. It kicked in like 10 seconds after i took the first hit. I eventually started seeing train tracks around everywhere. It was around all of my friends head. When they would try to talk to me I wouldn't understand what they where saying. My brother was on the ground tripping his ass off from it. Sure, it made me trip but it wasn't really worth it cause it only lasts for like 5 minutes.

Sr. Verde

I've heard anything over 30x is not really stronger
I herd 60 which makes sense cause I've done 20x and 40x and 40x by far was a more convoluted, disturbing, crazy trip (Started walking vertically through my floor like it was flat and then I was in candyland on a train and a friend was the conductor and whore a pink suit, tophat, and monicle... The whole place was a reddish pink and the clouds were purple and white. I kept yelling in my friends face to keep the train going because i was compelled to, then I started saying gibberish and couldnt stop speaking so I felt as if I was suffocating.... In reality according to friends I put the bong down, walked and fell down and leaned against the sofa for 4 minutes not saying a word and not responding to anything


did 60x for my first time ever because a buddy had left a tiny magical looking vial in my car seat. Fuck that shit man. I thought i was being disconnected from the matrix jumped out of my car and ran down block. then realizing finally that none of this was real i started to slowly walk back to my car embaressed as all hell. then a pair of old people proceeded to run out of their house and shine a flashlight in my face asking me what i was on. All in all never going to do this terrible drug again.


Active Member
I usually do 20x and it's pretty intense, get a microsecond after exhaling to think "is it working?" and then you're pulled into a dream. My trips are usually described as though life and everything is a picture on a tv screen, and then you turn your head to look at the room the tv is in and it's usually indescribable colours and patterns.

I have a vial of 60x that I have only ever tried once, I relived a car journey from my childhood, then became a cushion from a sofa I had when I was 5...then I tried to bring myself back to reality and couldn't, which caused a freakout. Which is why I haven't done it since.

Biggest tip is DO NOT fight it, let the trip take you where it is going to take you and remember that you'll only be gone for 10-15mins