Highest yielding autoflower strain???


Well-Known Member
Is there a definitive answer to this question. Surely there must be an official highest yielder as autos are have more clear boundaries than the normal plants...

Anyone care to share?


I don't think there is a definitive answer dude. There are higher yielding strains but so much depends on environment , pot size, grower expertise, nutrients etc. There's guys getting 2 oz per plant from say auto mazars yet I've seen other guys get an oz from same genetics but because of one of the above factors it doesn't happen for them. You just gotta experiment til you find one that suits you and your circumstances. Run a multi strain experiment if you can to determine what's right for you. I done big bang auto based on the seedbanks yield claim and run a seedmakers automax at the same time, the so called big yielding big band gave me just over an oz the cheapo automax was 2.5 and I've ran them ever since. Just my 2 cents. All the best with your search for an answer buddy.


Well-Known Member
Think different would be a good bet indoor, whereas Iranian short season from doc would be your best bet outdoor. A lot to factor in obviously, but these two would be what I would lean towards for highest yielding autos. I'm sure there's more but just my opinion on the matter. Blitz


Well-Known Member
Nice one guys. Think different looks very decent. I never usually bother with autos but last time I did em I got 1.5oz per plant on critical mass and it was a good smoke with nice tight buds. If it saves you a month of waiting around its kinda worth it.


Well-Known Member
A high yielding autoflower will take just asl long as a normal plant. I grew a think different, i wasnt even large yielding like it was supposed to be, under 600W HPS with advanced nutes, i got 2 zips. took 102 days and it could have went longer.
Just plant any good quality auto in a large pot, give it good fertilizer, not too much tho, and LST it, dont top it. In soil, your probly gonna top out any auto at 2 zips just because an auto is time dependant and soil is slower (i grow in soil), hydro is much faster and will yield much more than soil.
I tried lots of autos, now i just use them in small pots to fill spaces, i use them to try out new strains cuz you can jsut kidna put them wherever there is some light :-)
check out my pink kush from reeferman, it vegged for 3 weeks and has been flowering for 8.5 weeks, picking it at 9 weeks. Should yield 2+ oz easy


Well-Known Member
I'm growing some Critical Mass Autos and they are just getting a few flowers and they are quite bushy to very bushy and one has really started to stretch a bit and I'm glad to see some stretch in it. I thought for a bit they were not going to get more than a foot tall but all over well over a foot wide and very very dense. I just don't know what yield I'll see. First time for this strain and I'm using AN SensiGrow and Bloom in DWC. Last harvest was 7 zip off 4 Super Skunk Autos which wasn't what I hoped they'd be. I'd love to see 2 zips per plant but who knows?


Well-Known Member
low ryder2 and afghan kush ryder. they look like normal size plants. It was my first go about 4yrs ago. I was able to veg some other freebies with them under 1000w lol. most of the other autos I had were only 30 inches full grown...