Hillary falls on the sword! but why?


Well-Known Member
you obviously have no facts if you emphasize that 9 embassies were attacked during Bush's years and use it as proof that Obama is better. You realize how many were attacked last month? way more than 9 dude. I think the right using this as proof of shitty foreign policy need to realize that we've been attacked by Muslim extremists during every presidency going back to Carter. The left trying to cover up the cover and deny fault need to realize the people don't expect perfection, but when you screw up we expect you to admit fault and learn from it. If you never admit mistakes you will never learn. That's my issue with this whole drama. TARP was counted in Obama's first budget, as was the stimulus. We ended the unfunded Iran war. Now, eliminate those 3 major costs from his spending and you'll see that he's STILL increased spending. Iran has 15000 security officers, France has 15 marines stationed at that embassy year round yet you want to blame the funding cuts. Couldn't take a handful of people from Iran? I mean we're not really there anymore according to you guys. Is the French embassy that much more dangerous than Bengahzi? I'll never understand why people would hold the party they hate to a higher standard than their own. That's how this perpetuation of SHIT occurs. It's always the other guys fault.
If you will never understand why people hold others to a higher standard then themselves, then you don't understand human nature.


New Member
is mitt romney not part of the GOP who voted to defund embassy security? Governors do NOT vote in congress!

is mitt romney not part of the GOP who watched 3,000+ americans die in a terrorist attack that they were warned about? Didn't we all watch as 3,000 Americans died on 911?
is mitt romney not part of the GOP who oversaw 9 embassy attacks the last time they had executive power? Ahh, NO!

you're a douchebag.
And you claim to be educated? LOL LOL LOL


Well-Known Member
Democrats treat women like shit. First they blame DNC Chairwoman Debbie Schultz for the failures of Obama,and now they are making Hillary the fall gal.


Well-Known Member
Janet Reno supposedly accepted all responsibility for the Waco debacle. So was she slowly baked to death (the only fair punishment) as dozens of innocent children were? No. Was she humanly executed? No. Was she incarcerated for the remainder of her life? No. as she incarcerated at all? No.Was she heavily fined? No. Was she fined at all? No. Was she fired? No. Did she resign in disgrace? No. Was she humiliated in the press? No. Was she punished in any way at all? No. So, how did she accept responsibility at all? How will Clinton be punished? She won't. This "the buck stops here" bullshit is meaningless.


Well-Known Member
Janet Reno supposedly accepted all responsibility for the Waco debacle. So was she slowly baked to death (the only fair punishment) as dozens of innocent children were? No. Was she humanly executed? No. Was she incarcerated for the remainder of her life? No. as she incarcerated at all? No.Was she heavily fined? No. Was she fined at all? No. Was she fired? No. Did she resign in disgrace? No. Was she humiliated in the press? No. Was she punished in any way at all? No. So, how did she accept responsibility at all? How will Clinton be punished? She won't. This "the buck stops here" bullshit is meaningless.
So did David Koresh get his due for using children and women both as sex toys and human shields?


Well-Known Member
How is it that democrats are obsessed with whats going on with a woman's body? Can somebody answer that? Its all about free birth control, free condoms, free mammograms, free abortions. But when it comes to their thoughts and whats between the ears, democrats are quickly throwing women like Hillary under the buss. Do democrats think women are so stupid that they can be objectified in that way, and not know any better?


Well-Known Member
No one is getting thrown under the bus.
Our Consulate was attacked. Not our embassie.
When you going to stop politicizing the death of american citizens?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Maybe because the American people deserve the truth all the time, not just after the elections...

Okay here's the truth. Politics is a contest between egotists that want to hold the gun and be the one to run your life. With very very very few exceptions politicians don't know or want to know the truth, they only want to win the popularity contest because they weren't picked for the cheering squad or got cut from the team. I know that's the truth, because a wise old man on top of a mountain told me so.


Well-Known Member
Okay here's the truth. Politics is a contest between egotists that want to hold the gun and be the one to run your life. With very very very few exceptions politicians don't know or want to know the truth, they only want to win the popularity contest because they weren't picked for the cheering squad or got cut from the team. I know that's the truth, because a wise old man on top of a mountain told me so.
Why dont you run for public office
Has to be more positive than whining all the time like some little emo bitch

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
How is it that democrats are obsessed with whats going on with a woman's body? Can somebody answer that? Its all about free birth control, free condoms, free mammograms, free abortions. But when it comes to their thoughts and whats between the ears, democrats are quickly throwing women like Hillary under the buss. Do democrats think women are so stupid that they can be objectified in that way, and not know any better?

unintentional irony is so delicious.


Well-Known Member
so Hillary has thrown herself on the Benghazi sword, but why? this doesn't help Obama. it makes him look like he doesn't know what's going on. this definitely doesn't help Hillary's reputation either. why would she do this? i would have not said anything until after the election because it looks all sorts of bad.

better they think you're dumb than open your mouth and resolve all doubt.
This is perfect.

The only thing now to save her for 2016 is to Resign. She may do that next week. She was already not to serve even if, long if, Obama gets in.

She can be a hero and the first women President if the subsequent leaks and "forced admissions under Oath" go as planned. Mitt wins and Hillary swims away to fight another day. She used to be Republican, you know.

And if I know my Bill, this is how it will play. It is the only master deek left for old Arkansas. Just when Barry thinks he has Hillary out of the way for Michelle, (why not?)

She really takes the blame and the shame of the Amateurs and my man, Billy calls them and takes it, oh so public.

I've been listening for it, for a few weeks now and it is shaping up nicely. We will see. The shame will come out one way or another. It is how America rolls.


Well-Known Member
This is perfect.

The only thing now to save her for 2016 is to Resign. She may do that next week. She was already not to serve even if, long if, Obama gets in.

She can be a hero and the first women President if the subsequent leaks and "forced admissions under Oath" go as planned. Mitt wins and Hillary swims away to fight another day. She used to be Republican, you know.

And if I know my Bill, this is how it will play. It is the only master deek left for old Arkansas. Just when Barry thinks he has Hillary out of the way for Michelle, (why not?)

She really takes the blame and the shame of the Amateurs and my man, Billy calls them and takes it, oh so public.

I've been listening for it, for a few weeks now and it is shaping up nicely. We will see. The shame will come out one way or another. It is how America rolls.
what shame?