Hmmmm, HELP, Does this look like Hairs to you?


Ok, My camera is NOT the best. I took several pics to try and get it right! So plz work with me here on Pic quality! OK, I have grown this Blueberry strain before! These are the same seeds from last grow! (Which I have hundreds :-P) The difference is , the last grow was soil, this one is Hydro! I don't know if this makes a difference or not! Any how, I was checking today for any problems I may have! Well, this is what I seen, which looks to me like A Flower starting! Now This plant has been under 24 hours of light since sprouting, with NO darkness! This plant is 22 days old! The node's (13 Nodes) are SLIGHTLY staggering, no where near where I would say it is Sexually mature! I checked to see if it was just dust or something, but No it isnt! Could this be an auto flowering strain that just did not auto flower in soil, but will in a Hydro method of growing? I am stumped, PLEASE Give some feedback.

Sorry for pic quality, I have nothing else that would pick up the details well enough for posting, but I had to work with what I had!



pre flowering. If you switched them over to 12/12 for a few days that may just pop so you can determine their sex, then cull the males and switch back to vegetative growth.


>>> IT'S A GIRL!<<< Thanks PaulaBee! ;) But There is No confusion now! I have around 6-8 Calyx's with wonderful Pistils popping up all over this morning! This does serve as a dilemma tho! I have 5 others that are NOT ready! OK, well here lies the problem. I only have one light source that I use. I swap out bulbs when I flower. So, I guess my question is! Besides the obvious, Smaller yield. Can I just put them into 12/12 and force flower for the plants. They are not that far behind, maybe a week. Granted this plant that has flowered, is 23 days old today! So the others are at 2 weeks! I believe I have read this is possible. But I wasn't focused on that at the time. so I didn't research it much. Please give me some advise today! I am going to have to make a choice here real soon. Thanks Guys!

HERE'S A PIC OF ONE OF THE PISTILS! :) The other pic (JUST AN EXTRA PIC FOR YA!)is just showing 1 of the 6 inch leave's, on a 9 inch high plant! hehe



You can force all of the plants into pre flower by going 12/12. Then once you know what they are, cull the boys and switch back to 24 to give them a bit more time. They can handle this.
My understanding is the older the plant from seed, the better the flowering. Don't be in a huge hurry to get them to flower. Let them grow a bit but you can save time by finding out what sex they are. After you have removed the males you will now give the girls more space, more light to go back to vegetative growth. That will also increase your yield.