Holes holes holes! I got holes On my leaves w/pics bugs burns idk help


New Member
image.jpg image.jpg Just wondering if someone could help me figure out why I have holes in some leaves only seen one Knat when I checked for bugs temps 78 solid humidity 38 yes I have a cool mister on order. Ph is 6.5 using ffof soil haven't used any nutes I haven't sprayed anything on it. If you have a clue and a solution please let me know image.jpg image.jpgimage.jpg


yep some lil guy in the garden has an appetite lol. i have seen this usually just a passer buy carves out a few leaves cant remember what they are called but a leaf or two wont ruin the crop but if its getting outta hand you wanna get something for it. those kind of bugs keep the spider mites away.


New Member
I had this same problem on my last crop of ww x bb , no bugs or anything detected and was just a random problem . Tried alsorts of things but in the end gave up, I yielded 25 oz dry weight in the end from 5 plants so not that much of a prob. Just check under leaves and have a damn good look all over and maybe with a loop , good luck :)