Holy Sh*t, I think i found a huge weed plant


Active Member
It might just be someone looking for attention via these forums, and while there may not even BE any plant he is talking about, everything about his post seems a bit...off.


Well-Known Member
Green Buddy -

I was talking about the dude's first post on the forum - he had a pic from wikipedia of a male plant in a pot.

LOL nope you got some lovely ladies.

Males are not so bad. They can make good seeds and hemp. Too bad I do not know how to make hemp or tried to breed anything but human children yet.


Well-Known Member
I got to see a pic of this extraordinary find. There must be some way.....

Dude you could get a cheap kiddie digi camera. That should take care of this curiousity.


Well-Known Member
go to walmart or bestbuy or whatever buy a cheap digital camera, use it, upload the pics and return that bitch... now quit stalling and show us that weed plant!!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
maybe im looking at the wrong thing.... orrrrr im just to blazed but i dont see anything there that closely resembles a pot plant


Well-Known Member
Cut it down and cram it into the CD player of the computer you are on. Then open MS PAINT and click: FILE > IMPORT


Well-Known Member
I know in those pics it dont look like it but I swear in real life or other photos on the net and the ones I found tryin to get my photo to import.


Well-Known Member
Okay just get a Hannah Montana camera or something and make this happen. If it has Donald Duck or Goofy whatever on it and costs 5 pounds or 10 dollars and it works....well it might be worth it for all of us to know. And you will be styling too with the latest technology in children's photography.


Well-Known Member
dude... there isnt many plants that look like pot... if it has cerated leaves its more than likely pot... i have had plants that didnt smell ... so thats nothing to judge by... 3 fingers... hell i have that going on right now... no problem... since it doesnt really matter if it is or not as it could be a big as male as well... just wait it out and youll soon find out what it is.... close this BS up.... good luck... good find..


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like its really stretched and stressed. why not start feeding it, or dig it up and pot it. maybe bring it inside and put under some lights. good luck