home made pipe


Well-Known Member
was the wood already shaped like that? My friend has a boa constrictor and has pieces of drift wood that are in very morphed like shapes.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Damn, that shit looks tight. How's it hit? Other than shitty bongs outta 2-liter bottles and shit like that I've only made one good pipe. I used bamboo stick and had like a foot long pipe. Fucking friend threw it in a fire when we were all trashed, luckily there was no weed in it.


Well-Known Member
i love carving pipes and makin shit to smoke, ill show you guys my most latest pipe and vaoprizer i made... pics in a few


Well-Known Member
heres the pipe i made, hand carved n painted.

heres the vape i made its heated by a cigarette lighter. your in pretty good control of the temp by how long you leave it on, you dont leave it on long enough to get red because then you just burn it. its powerd by a drill battery and ive been really happy with it. you get a joy outta using somethin you made.



Well-Known Member
well my friend whos used real vapes said it hits just the same, its really efficiant like u get ripped from the smallest amount. it almost has a pine taste to it which i heard is like other vapes. i got a hose that screws onto the bottle so u can let the smoke collet a little b4 u take a hit.


Well-Known Member
how simple maybe ill try?

supplies: plexi glass
cig lighter
small gauge wires
hot glue

the proccess is simple just cut the plexi glass to w/e size box u want, you need very simple wireing skills and basic solder skills, you need to take some of the plastic off the cig lighter the positive and negative points on the cig lighter are a little tricky ill explain if anyone goes that far. cut the pvc to w/e height ur box is. drill hole for wires in the pvc, i drilled like 6 small holes in the bottom piece of plexi glass to let air flow in. drill in the side of plexi glass for switch and u have to cut out the circle in the top piece of plexi glass. u have to solder the wires to the switch and to the cig lighter to complete the circuit.... continued momentarily