Home made Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
has anyone heard of this? its on youtube. i made one and i havent gotten to try it out.. i was just wondering if anyone knew if these worked well.. you make it out of a light bulb. haha. its pretty easy...

also what is the most effective way to get high? i heard smokeing a joint was furthest from best, then a bowl, then bong, then a vaporizer was the best... anyone have an opinion??


Well-Known Member
Yea ive made a vaporizer out of a light bulb.. It will vaporize your green eventually but its not that effective, I went ahead and purchased a vaporstar online and the thing works like a champ gets you real stoned and you get like 5 to 6 hits outta of a bowl and your only smoking the thc and not the leaf material which your lungs will thank u for


Well-Known Member
the most effective way to get high is to smoke hash =) IMHO, anyways.

Really, there is no difference in smoking from a joint, bowl, bong, etc. With a vaporizer you do get a little more THC and less particulate matter in the smoke, so that's definitely the healthiest way to do it.


Well-Known Member
i have a home made vape. i bought a heat gun, and i have a big glass jar with a hole in the top for the bowl and a hole in the side for the hose. its great :D

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah i have made 3 vapos 4 a light bulb-i usually smoke 4 a vapo cas the smoke is smoother and it saves my lungs.also iv heard that you get from your bud 70% more when smoking out of a vapo.