Homebox exhaust into Central Air intake?


Active Member

Newbie here. I have an exhaust question.

I am currently setting up a 400w hps cooltube setup in a homebox with a carbon scrubber and a Fantech FR150 (inline, 243 CFM) for exhaust. It is in my basement and I can put it close to my central air unit. Can I vent my exhaust into an intake vent on my Central AC? Will it mess up the blower in my AC Unit or the Fantech blower if I vent into it? I have some crappy pics I threw together to explain.

Below the dehumidifier on my Central Air intake, I have a standard vent like in the first pic. It sucks air into the unit and pulls it through the air filter.

I can buy a part at the local hardware store that will allow the 6" exhaust tube to cover the vent. Can I safely put my exhaust tube from the FR150/Homebox into the vent like the crappy drawing in the second pic?

There is also an output vent from the AC really close to the homebox intake like in the pic, but I am not big on the idea of leaving it on 24/7 and would rather just vent the exhaust into the input, if possible.

I would like to expand my setup in the future and am thinking about how to easily exhaust the heat. My basement is half finished and this is all in the unfinished section. Any other exhaust tips would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Depends i guess on how hot the exhaust is, probably not hot enough to risk lightin the place on fire. I think it'd work, but even with the scrubber it'll still stink up the rest of ur house.