Homemade CO2 Questions


Active Member
hey i was just looking at the thread on how to make co2 out of yeast and sugar......now i found out that u needed activated yeast....but what about the sugar???does it matter??? granular/pure/cane/etc also if the mix got on my plants would it hurt them or can i just clean it off??? thx for all help...


Well-Known Member
I found a friendship bread recipe that used Flour, milk, sugar and yeast and once every x amount of days you add some more sugar , milk and flower you don't put it into the fridge because the yeast thrives on the warm and because of it the milk that's in it won't go bad so if you can take the Co2 that it makes to feed your plants the better but also you can take some of the batter and make friendship bread with it. =)

You must use sugar the regular granulated sugar that people use in their coffee is best but imo I would use the friend ship bread method since you get food out of the deal to. ;)