homemade recipe for "stamen-it" help!


Well-Known Member
i read a thread somewhere on this site about a way to make a stamen-it like chemical substance that makes pure females grow pollen sacks when sprayed with some chemicals from photography supplies. Anyone point me in the direction of that thread plz i cant seem to find it or if you know the info that would healp me greatly im going to buy fem seeds and then spray a brach and seed another branch for my own seed stock anyhoot that would be a great deal of help thanks guys


Sorry, I don't have a thread to send you to but I have read about Gibberrellic Acid as a substance to use to promote pollen growth on female plants. I haven't tried it as yet, but I purchased some of the GA in as pure a form as I could find to have on hand. Apparently the liquid mix will deteriorate within a few weeks even under refrigeration, so its best to mix it from powder as needed (about a two week shelf life). You can google the term and you'll find a few hits and suppliers. I ran across the idea in the Mel Thomas book "Cannabis Cultivation". Good luck.


Well-Known Member
why would you want to do that? it messes with the natural essence of the plant. And the seeds you get from it will be unstable and have a ton of hermies. I believe the chemical is silver nitrate or something like that. But to be honest just grow a male somewhere else and collect some pollen. And paintbrush some pollen on a lower bud and bam you have some seeds way more stable. Maybe no femmed but i would rather not have femmed and have no hermies.