Honey Bee Extractor, Where Can I Get One?

El Duderino

Active Member
Ok, so Im interested in making some honey oil (the shit is just so damn good!) and Im looking around for the honey bee but the best price I can find on one is going to be around 60 dollars and I will have to order it from the UK. I looked in a few online shops but no real luck. Can anyone tell me where I might find one a little closer to home, possibly inside the states? If not, is 60 dollars a rip off or fair price?

It alomst looks simple enough to build DIY style but Im not sure of dimensions or if theres anything inside Im missing so If anyone knows a DIY link, Hook a brudda up!


New Member
Nope it's pretty simple construction with the honey bee, easy diy, I made mine from PVC but i hear this may be bad for your health. Works well all the same.


Making use of honey oil is one of the potent way,
I ahve made my own extractor from cofee filter, a hose and a clamp, take care while using,
as if it got blowup it may hurt, its better to do it outside, make sure ,
the heater like stuff is away from that...


Active Member
Google vacuum distillation. If you have a little common sense and the basic engineering skills pretty much all humans have you can distill the butane from the solute without using heat or venting all sorts of butane into the environment. What you could do is have one vessel which you fill with pot and pump or the supercritical solvent of your choice into. The butane or whatever solvent you choose will dissolve the THC resin. Then have a second portion that it flows to at the turn of a valve or by gravity when you rotate the entire apparatus. From there have a copper (hardware store copper tubing) graham condenser and a collection vessel at the opposite end. Close the valves and save the condensed solvent. Your yummy solute will be captured in that second chamber I mentioned. Now that you've closed the valves you can open the collection valve and the honey oil will flow out. Since you didn't vent all of the solvent into the air you can just clear out the pot, put some more in, open all of the valves except for the drain, and rotate the apparatus to get the solvent to flow back into the first chamber to start the process over again. Google or wik it and you'll see what I mean. What I just described is a little different but it will be able to recycle the butane. I'm sure there are better designs that aren't made up on the spot though.

If you want to do it more crudely (and far simpler) you can just put pot in a tube and dump butane through it at atmospheric pressure with a capture vessel at the other end. a pipe, two end caps, and a flask. Optional carbon filter to clean the paraffin and other crud from the butane.