honey oil from wild pollenized marijuana


Active Member
I've heard people say that as soon as a female plant gets pollenized it stops producing THC and spends all its energy producing seeds, is this true? Then how come in india you can see people hand rubbing hash from wild plants?

Next time i'm in india instead of wasting time with hash or smoking seed bud i'm gonna experiment and make some honey oil from wild plants.

If I use a completely non polar solvent like hexane I should still be able to make some pretty kickass honey oil right, but I assume I would just have to use alot more plants as they contain less THC. I know they're still pretty potent though, not super potent like the select strains but the plants stink like good shit and the buds look pretty decent, albeit pollenized.

I want to go with hexane because of the fact I will be using alot more plants so hopefully the hexane being non polar shouldn't dissolve the undesirables(chlorophyl and waste). I'm not gonna bother to remove the seeds and hopefully hexane doesn't dissolve and garbage out of them.

So what do you guys think should I end up with some potents honey oil to smoke? Any input is welcomed. Last time I was there I did a shit load of bhang and hand rubbed some hash. But the honey oil idea sounds perfect for the situation with the plants being free. Hopefully I don't end up with some green brown garbage oil.


Active Member
I know people that make hash from ditch weed all the time. Its good hash too.
Yeah that's cool but It couldn't be that potent because ditch weed trichomes couldn't contain that much THC could it? Hash is afterall just concentrated trichomes. Hmmm

These plants I'm talking about are genuine sativas that are like 20 feet tall in the summer. :shock:


Active Member
Another question I have. What about dirt and sand? Most of the plants being on the side of the road collect dirt on their leaves. Will the hexane dissolve the dirt and end up in the final product or should I clean them? What's the best way to clean them without taking off too many trichomes?