Hope this fits into the category. Possession in South Africa. Uk student visa


Well-Known Member
okay, so recently (±15 days) ago right I got busted with a joint on me. I payed a fine and signed a thing of 'admittance' or something like that.

Fucked my whole day up.

Now I wanna know whether I can lie on my visa forms bout my record?..I wanna do a 2 year course somewhere a little outside of london. and it's gonna cost me a puntload'v fuckin' cash

cummon, theres gotta be a way right?


oh yeah, and Im South African BTW


Well-Known Member
Really? wow, I don't know hey..it being a third world country and all. look, so you think they check up whether you have a record or not?


Well-Known Member
There is a chance that yes, it may prevent you from entering some countries or leaving your own. Just go bribe someone to make it go away off your record if you can't get it legally expunged.

Even multi millionaire crackhead Amy Winehouse couldn't get into the US for the Grammy's even while she was sweeping them and everyone knew it ahead of time all because of a posession bust in some other country, I forget which one.

If she couldn't get in at a time like that, imagine you...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i found it in less than two seconds here in tex imagine if you spent five min and researched the law system from there


Well-Known Member
hmmn.. erm fuck, this is turning out like some James Bond title, ok, this magistrate place, do they expunge record in your country/ies


Well-Known Member
Here you talk to the DA and they tell you to get some forms and send them some money. You get a fingerprint card (which costs more money), send in first money they asked for with a form asking to have it expunged. They may just do it, or they may give a hearing.
(This is in the US)

It's randomly up to their discretion whether they do anything about it, but they got more of your money twice either way. (No refunds)



New Member
I think the point of that article is that the political structure in SA is so fucked up and fractured, you probablly don't even have a record. Or one anyone will be able to find. Why don't you get off your ass and start making some phone calls? you have the whole internet infront of you. If you have the patience you will find the answers and phone numbers you are looking for. Someone on thsi board is not going to say, "Hey dude, call this number pay this guy x amount of dollars to see if you even have a record and pay him this much if you need it to "go away". If you want this shiz to happen you gotta get off ur ass and make it happen, no one here is going the have the exact info you need.

Hell, tell the consulate you got pulled over and want to see if there is a record of the ticket. They might come back and tell you, no speeding ticket but tere is a ticket for possession.. Then you ask the consulate who you talk to to clear up this, "misunderstanding." Good luck....


Well-Known Member
fuck yeah man I really get what you saying. and thanks for saying it. coming onto roll it up is usually my first reaction to any conundrums that I fall into, so this is just the first step. you might actually be fucking right with the whole 'i might not even have a record thing'...I mean it is South Africa after all ..you can't really rule out anything ... Thanks fellow pot-smoking/growing internet friends! you guys are the shiz. now Im gonna find SA's equivalent to your guys DA..

you guys care enough for me to keep you posted?


Well-Known Member
no fuckin way ways man...the parlimant? -i dont even no how to fucking spell it- by coincedence it is in cape town, and that'swhere I stay too..but those seem like way to up in the chain to go to?