Hope this time works out


Well-Known Member
My little girl was put in soil thursday after a few problems with my first attempt, Pretty sure I overwatered my northern lights so im trying to avoid that with this master kush plant. Lights are running 24/7 first 2 days then just last night i turned them off for 6 hours thinking she could use some rest. Woke up this morning turned them back on and gave her a good watering, I slowly drip water all around the plant not the whole cup. Watering once a day this time in the morning and letting lights run all day. It was hard seeing my first attempt die 2-3 days in so I want to make sure now that the first set of leaves are coming in that this one seems alright and my watering/lighting method is ok for now. I have some pics, the first two are my current master kush progress. I was so happy when the first set of leaves came since I didn't get that far my first time. The second two pictures are my first attempt. I didn't throw it out. The leaves started getting really yellow so I removed it from my seed starting soil and placed it back into a paper towel germination style and left it over night. It looked healthier the next morning so I just planted it outside to see if nature can grow her better then me.:leaf: Iv been using miracle grow instead of the seed starting soil now and I rinsed it down a bit before hand due to the timed nutes put in there. Should I be seeing a change in this master kush plant everyday? I swear its looked the same for the past two days hasnt grown at all.


Well-Known Member
they dont need any light untill the sprout. and seedlings/seeds do NOT need any nutes untill the 1st set of round leaves are gone and shrivelled up. then light nutes as needed depending on what soil your using.


Well-Known Member
Should I be seeing a change in this master kush plant everyday? I swear its looked the same for the past two days hasnt grown at all.
"Roots before Shoot"
The seedling will grow a root system. Once that's established the shoot will start growing. @ 1-2weeks, @ week 2-4 you should see good shoot growth.
I like to water my seedlings from the bottom. the water is soaked up by the soil. The roots want to travel down to the water. and less likely to over water your seedling.


Well-Known Member
"Roots before Shoot"
The seedling will grow a root system. Once that's established the shoot will start growing. @ 1-2weeks, @ week 2-4 you should see good shoot growth.
I like to water my seedlings from the bottom. the water is soaked up by the soil. The roots want to travel down to the water. and less likely to over water your seedling.
Roots before shoot, makes almost to much sense haha Thanks guys. So when you water from the bottom Im assuming you place the pots onto a tray with water? This method does seem the best as roots reach to the bottom quicker. How do you deal with runoff do you change water tray?


Well-Known Member
miracle grow soil comes with built in nutes this is why I rinsed it a bit before using it with my sprouted seeds. I really want to get some foxfarm products but in Canada its not carried and can be expensive if purchased from a private store.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
when the plants are seedlings water using a mist bottle to keep the soil just damp but not soaked. no nutes until flowering and then use diluted solutions and slowly increase the mixture. GL


Well-Known Member
when the plants are seedlings water using a mist bottle to keep the soil just damp but not soaked. no nutes until flowering and then use diluted solutions and slowly increase the mixture. GL
Ya see this is what I tried doing the first time but after the top is moist I think the light dries it up before it really gets anywhere. I found I was misting the top of the plant/soil 3-4 times a day every time the soil was crispy dry before I re sprayed.