horse's stool


Well-Known Member
i found some dry crap of gypsy horses ,and took some of it.i putted it in pot,i hope its a good organic food for my weed.what do ya think?
will it grow good if i dont use chemicals on it,im growing it inside,its still not mature,and im exposing it under light bulb for maybe 10-12 hrs ,and i water it twice a beginner,so i think im doing right,cos everything seems ok.
i dont know what kind of weed it is,cos i just piked up some random small seeds,when it grows up a little,ill post a picture to ask if anyone knows what type it is. sorry for bad english or non-understandable sentences


Well-Known Member
it does not stinks! a lol. and its not funny xD
plants grow faster if u put shit near them,i think it will help my plant.ill let ya know if it helped,and then we will see who will have the last laught , lol.jokin'
btw,its DRY shit,and it does not smell or anything.


Active Member
the only type of shit i would even bother putting anywhere close to my plants is bat guano... a lot better for the plant. get that shit outta your house man.. not worth it.


Well-Known Member
Horse manure is fine to use. Excellent in fact. Don't believe me? Go ask subcool what he thinks of horse shit. :D


Well-Known Member
horse shit is fine you just dnt wanna use fresh shit it should be well aged or composted fresh shit is too hot

i literaly have tons of horse shit the pile is prolly twice this size now and im goin to get another load in an hour. i rock an organic farm and poop is life for my plants and food on my table, wait that didn't come out right



Well-Known Member
Ive heard of using chicken shit before but havent tried,you would think shit is shit but i honestly dont know.


Well-Known Member
many of you find this funny ,but it is so.
imagine it how you wish,on your table,by your plant,on your carpet,
horse shit ftv


Well-Known Member
many of you find this funny ,but it is so.
imagine it how you wish,on your table,by your plant,on your carpet,
horse shit ftv
oh dude i was just kidding.....I used manure outdoor this year/I was just being stupid trying to get a laugh.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of using chicken shit before but havent tried,you would think shit is shit but i honestly dont know.
horse chicken and cow poop rocks no cat dog or human unless your a vegan maybe buut still chicken bedding and poop rocks for compost with cow comming in second then horse poop and of corse worm poop and bat poop and seabird poop are good too


Well-Known Member
horse chicken and cow poop rocks no cat dog or human unless your a vegan maybe buut still chicken bedding and poop rocks for compost with cow comming in second then horse poop and of corse worm poop and bat poop and seabird poop are good too


Well-Known Member
Look up Ohsogreen's thread in Organics, The Three Amazing Shits. :D
horse shit is fine you just dnt wanna use fresh shit it should be well aged or composted fresh shit is too hot

i literaly have tons of horse shit the pile is prolly twice this size now and im goin to get another load in an hour. i rock an organic farm and poop is life for my plants and food on my table, wait that didn't come out right
:lol: LMAO!


Well-Known Member
I mix topsoil and composted horse shit at a 50/50 ratio then add some composted chicken shit to it and have never had a problem with nutes. As far as horse shit needing to be composted, IMO it only needs to be composted if it is from a stall where it has also been pissed on, the urea is what makes it hot. Chickens piss and shit at the same time so that is why its so important to compost it, and also the reason it is so high in nitrogen. I've used fresh horse shit from the fields plenty of times and never had a problem with nute burn.


Well-Known Member
I was responding to the original post, buddy!
oh ok well in that case i would suggest puting it on a normal lighting schedule as well 18/6-24/0 veg 12/12 flowering iguess if your doin 12\12 from seed your cool but still should hsve a timer...

didn't relize there were other issues as the thread has grown a lil can get sidetracked easy srry