House Intelligence Committee calls for Grand Jury on Trump/Russia collusion


Well-Known Member
After this comes out, we should ask every one of his apologists which is more important; political ideology or patriotism? As much as they like to throw around 'morals', it's time they were held accountable for their own moral choices.
It won't happen..they play the blame game quite well.

Currently, Flynn is Obamas fault according to Trump.


Well-Known Member
If we REALLY want to fix things we should probably start by actually electing the winner of the election.

No more of this "Californians are only 3/5ths..." bullshit, haven't we learned anything?

It's like Battlestar Galactica; the cycle remains sadly unbroken despite amazing efforts by great people.
If we REALLY want to fix things we'll get of the lobby teat and hold our politicians accountable to legislate for We The People.


Well-Known Member
I've been consistent about the mainstream media for years;

Left, right, and center, it's all owned by 6 corporations

Those inside the box only see Fox as bad or MSNBC as bad, but they're both bad for the same reasons. People outside the box can see the game exactly how it's played
What box, Pada?


Well-Known Member
And you heard this how?

Get your head at of Bernie's ass already, rep. Eric swawell and Adam schiff have both publicly stated that they have seen the evidence. One can only assume the evidence was acquired under a fisa warrant , wich was renewed more than once on Carter. Also leading one to believe, if the warrant was renewed, that it was providing crucial Intel in an ongoing investigation.


Well-Known Member
Get your head at of Bernie's ass already, rep. Eric swawell and Adam schiff have both publicly stated that they have seen the evidence. One can only assume the evidence was acquired under a fisa warrant , wich was renewed more than once on Carter. Also leading one to believe, if the warrant was renewed, that it was providing crucial Intel in an ongoing investigation.
Ummmmm, on collusion? Sure about that?

One can only ASSume..?

You men have way too much rightie in you.