Houston, We have germination!


Well-Known Member
So I checked my beans and one cracked out! :clap:Its about this long - the root part coming out. Should I plant it now or wait a lil bit till it gets longer?


Well-Known Member
You can plant now or wait, I usually let mine get at least 1/4 of an inch


Well-Known Member
You can plant now or wait, I usually let mine get at least 1/4 of an inch
I'd put her in a dixie cup about a quarter of an inch into the soil (root down) and a drop or two of water...should emerge in to time!


Well-Known Member
Let it get to the point where the embryonic leaves start to push open the seed casing, then plant.

When I have planted earlier than that it sometimes takes longer to emerge from the dirt.


Well-Known Member
Alright. I will check it every 4 hours just to watch it closely. Should I immediately put into light or wait till it sprouts out from the dirt??


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really matter, I'd just put them on it now so you don't have to check it all the time