How am i doing so far SET UP


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i recently built a grow tent 2ft wide 2ft deep and 3ft tall im currently only growing one plant she is about 3 weeks into flowering i have 8 20watt cfls and 2 14watt cfls with one 20watt flourescent tube for undergrowth light . Do you guys think i have sufficient light and space ?


Well-Known Member
the lights u are at the limit..........if u increase them they are going to cause your plant heat stress

the honest truth i would tel u to change the lights to a LED pannel ( 300 or 400 w would do u great in your area) or to go with a T5 as a 2nd cheaper choice

t5 will do better then the CFLs a 2 foot bulb is 2000 lumens and u can get up to 8 of them in one light best your cfls is 1800 lumens but the light is not directed like it is with t5 so u lost power from that


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with heat so idk about heat damage but ill take your word for it bro . Im just using these cfls till i get paid im going to get 2 1ftx1ft led panels and make them into a upside down V shape and run 4-5 autos with scrog . Would that be enough light for 4-5 autos in 1 gallon pots with scrog if i need more light than those 2 panels could i suppliment with the extra 10 cfls ill have laying around lol ?


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with heat so idk about heat damage but ill take your word for it bro . Im just using these cfls till i get paid im going to get 2 1ftx1ft led panels and make them into a upside down V shape and run 4-5 autos with scrog . Would that be enough light for 4-5 autos in 1 gallon pots with scrog if i need more light than those 2 panels could i suppliment with the extra 10 cfls ill have laying around lol ?
ok skip that ...........1 autos are great plants but the amount u pull is based off the feed/water u can offer it 2 SCRoGing a auto is a bitch unless u pick the correct strain (something in the 90 day range)

any auto that saids can do 120 grams u need atleast a 3 gallon pot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,anything with saying above 120 grams u want it in a 5 to 7 gallon pot .........the veggie stage is small but when it goes to flowering the size of it is all about the feed and amount of water u are giving it if u can get it perfect u can max out the plants weight

if u are scroging the only 90 day plant i know that is worth it is ultra lemon haze by that in a 7 gallon pot with a strong feed u will get more then what u would with the other 1 gallon pots in 4 grows

as for the LED lights do not get cheap ones this is a investment .........a good LED will get u 48 auto grows or 6.8 years on a 20/4 time ......for your area a 300/400 watt led would be fine ......a 600watt would kill (600w normally has a core footprint of 3x3 meaning it is giving the strongest light off possible in that area with your smaller area and reflective walls this will be increased so something like a 750w power vs yield field


Well-Known Member
Ok im a newbie with no experience lol with my 3x4 set up i want to have my space filled up with pots im guessing like 6-7 3 gallon pots i want to harvest at around 4 months . Should i scrog or just let them grow and top them ? Also what light set up would i need ? Would 2 300 watt led 1ftx1ft panels do i want to stay away from hps ligjting at all costs its too hot . Please let me know also if im better off going with a autoflower or a photoperiod plant for what i want ? Please help i know its alot of questions sorry :(


Well-Known Member
Ok im a newbie with no experience lol with my 3x4 set up i want to have my space filled up with pots im guessing like 6-7 3 gallon pots i want to harvest at around 4 months . Should i scrog or just let them grow and top them ? Also what light set up would i need ? Would 2 300 watt led 1ftx1ft panels do i want to stay away from hps ligjting at all costs its too hot . Please let me know also if im better off going with a autoflower or a photoperiod plant for what i want ? Please help i know its alot of questions sorry :(

it is all good man ..............u learn by asking ?s so ask all the ?s u want

u are new ..........before u try any scroging or other tricks i would grow the plant normally so u can see what it natural does this is your baseline for the u work on the feed for that strain so u get the most out of it that way........once u get it there then u go to advance tricks

i personally grow Auto plants for the short turn around period 55 days to 72 days to 110 days ......seed to smokable stuff

as for the LED light

get yourself a 600w ...just one
this site will get u the best price on the light ..........i contacted kevin for my quote ...........whole thing will run u 650 700 with shipping
this light will allow u to do anything u want only need one light since this one is programable ...........if u get a bigger area these can be daisy chained into each other to make it so much easier setting up and controlling


Well-Known Member
So how about a sog like 10 1gallon pots ? Would that due i want to get as much as i can in my space as quick as i can . And the sog seems to be the way to go . Should i use autos for the sog since they yeild much quicker ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i recently built a grow tent 2ft wide 2ft deep and 3ft tall im currently only growing one plant she is about 3 weeks into flowering i have 8 20watt cfls and 2 14watt cfls with one 20watt flourescent tube for undergrowth light . Do you guys think i have sufficient light and space ?
nope u have a fire starter right there good luck in not burning ur house down


Well-Known Member
So how about a sog like 10 1gallon pots ? Would that due i want to get as much as i can in my space as quick as i can . And the sog seems to be the way to go . Should i use autos for the sog since they yeild much quicker ?

to scrog a Auto ...........u need a 90 day plant so it is really a 110 day plant (seed starting and drying time counted) ..............since that would take up your whole area and u are new ..................NO DO NOT SCRoG odds are something will go wrong with plant and u do not know how to fix it yet so u would lose all that work

if u look at SCRoGing it is a advance skill u need to have the basic ones before u try it

honestly the bes thing u can do is grow 2 or 3 plants in a 3 gallon pots and start your feeding work on that strain (each strain is different so one plan u use on this one will not carry over to a 2nd strain ) u need to learn how to feed it to get the maximum out of it along with learn to read the plant if it is sick or wants something u are not offering it

u are jumping the gun here will end up failing on u and u are out all that money and time ................grow atleast 4 sets of plants before u try to SCRoGing with what ever strain u pick

u do not have to listen but this is the best for u ................good luck on your grow