How am I goign to keep it @ 70 at nights when the lights are off?


Well-Known Member
I have an 8 inch vortex that is attached to a special can filter 50 ( which by the way did an amazing job at removing the order ).I use this fan to clean the air but I also use it to draw in air creating neg pressure in the room .
I then excuse the air into another room of my basement where we benefit from the heat ... The air coming into the room is a bit on the cooler side

My problem is this :
If the fan is running 24/7 to knock down the odour its pulling in quite cold air which will shock the plants( when the lights are off I belive) .
Now if i turn off the fan and add a heater to maintain the rooms temp ( during the dark period) I'M worried that the odour will escape to the other owners side of the basement ) and I may get ripped off or worse robbed.

So I'm really interested in finding out a solution to this problem .. please through any idea you may have no matter how silly it may be I may be able to be inspired to find a great solution from a spark of a silly suggestion thanks


Well-Known Member
Will Cold air commign in when lights are off say @ about 50 degrees or 10C have any neg efficts on my plants?


Well-Known Member
I think that you're freaking out prematurely. Sure, the air coming from your air conditioner is 50(f) from the vent. But, that isnt the temperature the ROOM is going to get. :) That vent is emptying its cool into a heated room that's still warmer than 50(f) so it has to dissapate around and then slowly cool it over time. Kinda like how small cars cool faster than SUV's for a/c.

Anyway, it almost doesnt matter. The fan you have in your room exhausts to another room, so it'll be pulling in room air around that room. Unless the room temp is 50(f), then you have nothing to worry about. You're even safe in the mid 60's and low 60's. Just watch the room temperature overnight and then report back what it is?? *shrug*


Active Member
how bout using a seperate fan to scrub the air. just have the exhaust and the intake both in the grow room. this will give your light more air flow anyways, considering its not pulling through a filter. you can get inline fans at hydro stores for $45 that will be enough to scrub the air


Well-Known Member
I dont think it will be a huge problem, btw, my first grows were done in my basement in the wintertime and my basement gets cold as fuck, i used to have my living area down there and during winter it would get down to 45-50f at times down there and mine were fine for the most part. i would try not to expose younger plants to it though, until flowering i always kept the lights on for their heat and because i was using cfls, i started 2 batches about a month apart in the same area and flipped the lights when the older plants were where i wanted them and man, all the little plants stopped growing completely almost. the first batch did great and went right into good flowering growth but the little ones seemed to be effected by the cold, i ended up saying fuck it and just got rid of them as the first batch was growing alot bigger than i thought they would and i was running out of space fast.


Put a small heater with a thermostat in the grow room if you're stressing about it. Those small oil heaters with timers are a good choice. Low energy consumption as well. But if you're looking for a natural way to heat the room, you're pretty much fucked. Only thing i can think of is to insulate; to hold the heat during the day. I have heard of people putting large tubs of water in the grow room to hold heat for when the lights are out, I wonder if hydro gardens have a better temperature control quality? :)


Well-Known Member
seal room completlly. insulate completly. run intake for cooling lights outside of home, exhaust it where ever you want for the extra heat. light cooling fan is only on when lights are on. with it set up like that it will contain oders and heat. it will eventually reach the low temps but it would be over sometime just like when the sun goes down. if the room gets to hot when lights are on you will need 1 more fan to vent room out. get air from outside and send it back outside but use your filter on this system not on the light cooling system. if you dont need to vent out room i would stil get a small fan and attach it to filter and put it the corner of room as a oder eater. you would hardly smell your shit when in the room after a day of running. if it's still to cold a small heater is needed


Active Member
i had the same issue. what can easily fix it is 1) go to walmart and grab a $25 small space heater, they have some that kick ass that can be set for the temp you want and they turn of when they reach the desired temp and back on when temps drop. 2) what i did to fix the same problem was just turn your cycles to lights on at night and off in the day, and the lights will keep things warm.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I have an 8 inch vortex that is attached to a special can filter 50 ( which by the way did an amazing job at removing the order ).I use this fan to clean the air but I also use it to draw in air creating neg pressure in the room .
I then excuse the air into another room of my basement where we benefit from the heat ... The air coming into the room is a bit on the cooler side

My problem is this :
If the fan is running 24/7 to knock down the odour its pulling in quite cold air which will shock the plants( when the lights are off I belive) .
Now if i turn off the fan and add a heater to maintain the rooms temp ( during the dark period) I'M worried that the odour will escape to the other owners side of the basement ) and I may get ripped off or worse robbed.

So I'm really interested in finding out a solution to this problem .. please through any idea you may have no matter how silly it may be I may be able to be inspired to find a great solution from a spark of a silly suggestion thanks
when my lights go out so do all my fans, this is during flower.
during veg my lights are on 24/0 and so are my fans..

sorry but when they start a stinking they are going to smell it any ways..


Well-Known Member
you turn off all your fans mygirls? I must say i think the fans always being on is very important as your humidity will skyrocket and bud rot and similar things start becoming major threats as their is no air flow. Thats my opinion anyway, lol, do you employ a specific strategy to minimize the limitations of turning the fans off?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you turn off all your fans girls? I must say i think the fans always being on is very important as your humidity will skyrocket and bud rot and similar things start becoming major threats as their is no air flow. That's my opinion anyway, lol, do you employ a specific strategy to minimize the limitations of turning the fans off?
i should of added PENDING ON YOUR GROW AREA.
no i use no dehumidifier during any time of my grow.. if you look at my set upwhen my fans are off i still have mass are flow trew my room.. air blows freely trew my intake and right on out my exhaust into my hall way into my house..
during veg. now this is in my green house with no airflow what so ever.. freash air any ways, i do run a osilating fan that blows on the plant from 10am tell 5 pm. now it gets up to at times 106 dergrees farenight with a humidity up in the 90% range and they take off like wild fire..
during veg indoors i shut off all fans let the temp rise up in the high 90's open both bathroom window andlet it breath that way..

i have never ever had any mold or meldy indoor during flower,or veg.

now i have had a little bud rot my out door grow last year do to over crowding and not enough air flow. and that my dumb ass wife at the time straight poored the mite spray right on the plant.


Well-Known Member
I guess what my real concern is if my intake is passive and Im leaving the fan on then cold air will be drawing in all the time from the passive hole in the room wheather lights are on or off .
Now if I have the 8" vortex on the same 12 hr timmer as the lights IM worried that the smell will escape through the intake hole as theres no pull as the fan will be off for 12 hrs unable to keep the negitive pressure in the room ...

How do I solve that? How do People grow in the winter months without co2 sucessfully?????


Well-Known Member
dude, its easy, put a little heater by your passive intake hole and leave the fan on. I thought of saying that before but i figured you were sucking air in from outside. problem solved.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I guess what my real concern is if my intake is passive and Im leaving the fan on then cold air will be drawing in all the time from the passive hole in the room wheather lights are on or off .
Now if I have the 8" vortex on the same 12 hr timmer as the lights IM worried that the smell will escape through the intake hole as theres no pull as the fan will be off for 12 hrs unable to keep the negitive pressure in the room ...

How do I solve that? How do People grow in the winter months without co2 sucessfully?????
i have my house heater thermastate set at 68 degrees.. it blows in to every room in the house.. if there is a way to use your house heater to heat during the off light hours that whoul be your best bet.. no heater to take up grow room space..


Well-Known Member
Guys sorry to be all over the place here ... darkdestructon 420 the passive hole will be conneced to a window with 8" ducting drawing fresh air doem outdoors....

Ok jsut a second here.......
I have a 15x 60 ft room basically its the whole basment of this town house .. I plan on building a 4' X 8' box 6' High in the far corner of this basement . i plan on running 2 600 hps on a 4x4 area and use the other 4x4 area for a 400 mh .. would there be enough co2 in this whole basment to get the girls through the grow if i jsut vented the box with the 15 x 60 basemnt air ? with out the use of even bring in outdoor cold air ?

How can I cheaply check how much co2 is in the box?


Well-Known Member
either way, like i said before "I dont think it will be a huge problem, btw, my first grows were done in my basement in the wintertime and my basement gets cold as fuck, i used to have my living area down there and during winter it would get down to 45-50f at times down there and mine were fine for the most part. i would try not to expose younger plants to it though, until flowering i always kept the lights on for their heat and because i was using cfls, i started 2 batches about a month apart in the same area and flipped the lights when the older plants were where i wanted them and man, all the little plants stopped growing completely almost. the first batch did great and went right into good flowering growth but the little ones seemed to be effected by the cold, i ended up saying fuck it and just got rid of them as the first batch was growing alot bigger than i thought they would and i was running out of space fast. ".


Well-Known Member
If you are growing with HYDRO, go buy yourself a aquarium heater for 7 bucks and it will keep the roots warm with warm water. Afterall its the roots that are important. If soil then you will need to buy a 15 dollar heater, vortex style an put it in the tent and have it flip on when the lights go out.