how are these WW/Skunk looking


Well-Known Member
yeah yeah man, the straps that came with them man are sweet i love em, you can use the straps to hold ur fans,lights, etc. wrap them around the poles on top and tighten them or loosen them as needed.

for the extra material i got with it does indeed go on top of the box and then is tied in place. i don't use it seemed worthless to me and i had no idea what to do with it until i asked the owner of the shop got it from. i stuffed it back in the box and threw it up in my garage.

the vents are the side do expose light and i haven't came up with a solution.. i was kinda disappointed with it. i leave them open from time to time, but in the end i don't think you even need them if you have a exhaust.

the side hole i noticed was smaller then the top, the top fits a 6" perfect, i almost feel like the bottom is made for a 4" but i some how wedged 6" ducting threw it after 30 mins of bitching up a storm.

ill post some some pics, use the straps man. You dont have to be hanging it vertical i have mine coming down and then horizontal.


Well-Known Member
thanks so much man, im thinking about just taping down those side vents so no light goes threw them

ya my exhaust fan is 4" and only 50 cfm but it works!

i also have the clone one so i think its about the same height as yours just alot wider


Well-Known Member
looks awesome man, ya when they flower they get huge so another 2 weeks in veg should be good

also do i need that metal tube vent thing? that silver thing, sorry i cant think of what its called


Well-Known Member
That would be flexible ventilation ducting... very nice to have. Available at Home Depot in various diameters for about $20 per 25ft.

what is the purpose of it? just to direct the air where you want? i currently just have a exhaust shooting out air to wherever


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is used to pipe the air wherever you want it to go. Typically, you would connect one end to your exhaust fan and the other would go to a hole out of the room. That way you are removing the exhaust from the room completely. This is the way proper ventilation is run.


Well-Known Member
question regarding height and space. my tent is 2x2x4. now i am trying to figure the right height for when they should go into flowering. now i took into account the light, exhaust and pot size and come up with around 32" of grow space. i know that they double and some times triples ( i think that might be more for sativa, im not sure).

so a few of them are around 13-14". i was thinking 15-16" would be about right. does this sound right?

also is there any way of slowing down the faster growing ones to let the smaller ones catch up. feed the bigger ones straight water till the other catch up? FIM?


Well-Known Member
just tie back the bigger ones, looking into low stress training, worked wonders for my last grow, i literally only had 22 inches of height and i still managed to pull off some nice plants

also when they start flowering, they get alot bigger but not necessarily taller just thicker but they do get a little taller also


Well-Known Member
I would suggest topping the plants to stunt vertical growth. You can also pinch and bend the main stalks of the larger plants so they sorta flop over sideways. This will not harm the plant in any way, even if it looks sad growing sideways. Pinching, bending, and topping are probably your best options for controlling height. Also, regardless of whether it is an indica or sativa, expect the plants to at least double in size. Sativa's are generally taller, more lanky plants than indicas, but proportionally they still all double in size.


Well-Known Member
hey i got a tent myself doin some ww i got mine under a 600w mh their about 5 weeks old from seed.I am also useing fox farm ocean forrest,their 3 pak nutes and i have open sesame,beastie bloomz and cha ching. I also use humbolts roots,advance nutes sensizyme,superthrive(during veg only),adavnce nutes ph down,barricade for a ph up. anyways these pics are 2 weeks old a couple of leaves got funky on me cuz i didn't transplant them to bigger pots

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Well-Known Member
yeah you have plenty of space, i got a 2x2x4 and i wanna shot myself for it lol. i had the space too LMAO. o well, any way they look awesome man when are you going to flower???


Well-Known Member
Thoes look sexy as hell!..Were thoes clones? but i kinda got a set up going like you right now but i have 2 ak47's and they are only about 3 weeks old now but how many 250hps are you useing b.c im useing a 150F..right now and its not doing much i was going to go out tomorrow and get some new lights what are u useing to veg also..they look soo healthy!


Well-Known Member
from seed, added a 250 hps after the 150 florescent. but i have been looking into getting a 400 which i think would be better for these girls when they go into flowering.

what do you mean "what are u useing to veg also..they look soo healthy!" like nutes or what???