How bad is weed for your body???


Well-Known Member
It's not for everybody. Some people may have really bad effects from it. It affects everyone differently. Some people may be helped in ways too numerous to name. To paint weed as "Bad" just because it affects some in a negative way is pretty ignorant. Look at all the people whose livers have been shot by tylenol. :eyesmoke:


Anything can be bad for you if you abuse it. I have been smoking for 20 years (wow saying that makes me feel old) and although I am not the most motivated of people, I get my shit done and I have no related health issues.
Certain strains effect people differently, I smoke more Indica's when I'm home and want to relax, and smoke more sativas when I want to be around others and be more social. Sometimes I don't smoke but most tof the time I do, so there is no withdrawll or physical side effects when you have been smoking for a while and then stop.
Its not for everyone, some people don't enjoy it and get paranoid or in thier head too much, sometimes I don't like the high or over do it and feel wasted. but you find the right herb and smoke the right amount the only side effect will be a smile.
Obviously adding smoke into your body isn't great, so there is some ill effect there, but you could injest it or vaporize it and problem solved.
With all the garbage we are injesting with our food supply, I personally don't mind the small harm I do to my body to maintain a good spirit and sooth some pain issues I suffer from.
I personally use weed to help with pain issues. I would rather smoke the reefer before I took vicodans or other pills ( Michael Jackson got addicted to pills so so could I).
Did you put this much thought into the first beer or drink you had?
Again you can abuse anything, be careful where you get it from, and don't think because you smoke weed its ok to do other drugs...
Good luck
PS another possible side effect is rambeling on in a RIU forum


As mentioned it has different effects for different people. For an otherwise healthy person it doesn't have hardly any negative effects, if you're a motivated person to begin with it won't slow you down.....if you notice you don't get stuff done while stoned then save it for the end of the day.

I've played semi-pro sports and I've personally known/trained with quite a few professional athletes that were regular smokers and it never slowed them down one bit, however these are people that have been active all of their life so it's rare that herb will slow them down as they were highly motivated.

Just listen to your body and be sure to take note of any negative side effects.


Well-Known Member
No offense but what does this question have to do with "Indoor Growing"?
I would ask you to do some research about Rick Simpson, Terrence McKenna and many others. Body Ha! This is all about freeing your enslaved mind from the oppression that controls your perception of this false reality.

VV Cephei

Active Member
I've been making weed milk lately and giving that a try. .. just trying to lay off the smoking, and giving my lungs a break.


Well-Known Member
Enki 20 years long time you think

im puffing since 65 constantly and consistently gardening since january this year

i have had issues not related to smoke that i could blame on smoke but were overall health issues like colds and had to taka breaks to clear up lungs

if you are in strong overallhelth no problems good for you if you are in poor health smoke going to be another problem for you

i once saw a old lady in her 90's maybe taking these deep puffs on a cigaret about a 1/4 of it per puff at a time jaws sucked in like a dope addict i said to myself she is never going to die from cigs then you see a 35 year old person die from lung cancer

so does not affect everyone the same on cigg box it warns you but they will not kill all just most hard to tell which group you are in and a lot to do with overall health i suggest to you smoke enjoy but take clear out breaks im retired nothing to do so i smoke 3 to 6 times a day i take a break once a month sometimes 5 days sometimes a week not to detox just to clear out old to make way for new


RichED, you are old. and been old for a while, I'm just getting used to it, haha

you could lead the healthiest life ever, and then get hit by a bus. Live your life do what makes you happy and don't hurt others.


Well-Known Member
i have to say that weed helps clear out nasty tar and shit from cigarettes out of your lungs. weed SMOKE may be bad for you but cigarette smoke is worse by fact. I literally just took a nasty hit off my bong cause my perc is broke and it cleared my lungs out that are caked with tar.. its fucking gross and the herb even got me to quit smoking cigs as of now. We will see how long that lasts. I smoke about 6 times a day i work from 7am-6pm so i cant smoke during that time.. But when i was not working i smoked an easy 15-20 sessions a day without even thinking on how much i was. I just play video games chain smoke cigarrettes with my bong nearby and keep packing bowls every hour or so.


Well-Known Member
Been smoking daily for about 3 years now, used to get strep every year as a youngster, haven't had it in about...3 years, haven't had the flu or a flu shot in several years.......granted im the guy that works out 5-6 times a week so i dont feel bad about my vices/choices, but i see people around me get sick all the time, maybe its just bc they have their noses in the air about my habit :) i dont plan on quitting anytime soon, i forgot to mention my glorious sleep and well rested mornings not to mention the multiple @$$ whoopings which have been pre-emptively snuff out by the devil's lettuce...i say its been 100 years since prohibition, this is the new alcohol, get with the times big-brotherment!!
great point about the sickness i been smoking daily for years now have not had even a common cold in bout three years. however 9 days ago i decided to take a break till xmas and now i have runny nose coughing and i just feel cold man wtf! been like that for few days. so last night when 49ers won i got so exited i hit my friends vaporizer a few times and i felt great again? some say its just a coincidents, i say its the sweet green


Active Member

cannabis has NO effect whatsoever on cognitive function. there have been several studies that show this. perhaps you should do some reading?
I do a lot of reading. But long term effects of cannabis use is not one of them, so I could very well be wrong.

All those "truths" we learn about drugs when we're young, hm?


Well-Known Member
I do a lot of reading. But long term effects of cannabis use is not one of them, so I could very well be wrong.

All those "truths" we learn about drugs when we're young, hm?
for real man. I learn all my 'truths' about drugs from scientific articles.

other people would probably rather read a summary, but I'd rather read the technical specifics that can't easily be bended or altered to meet what someone else wants.

the best part about hard science, if you understand it and it makes sense . . . you can't skew the results because it wont make any logical sense after that . . . .


Well-Known Member
Lol if it slowed you "down cognitively" whatever that means ( cognitive ) being a broad word... Etc...and the speed of what thought processes being measured at being broad and extremely hard to measure....Its already ( just as a statement regardless of its truth ) difficult to understand/apply/say....But yeah terence mckenna was on da ball !!!! he was high most of the time - legend!
umm i don't think you meant to quote me did you? i did not use the word cognitive, or mention mckenna, but on a side note he only smoked about once a week alone in the dark.

and sure cognitive function is hard(impossible?) to measure objectively but every one knows when they drank to much or did to much nitrous or even if you've ever been knocked out and you feel dulled and slower for a bit. i have never had this experience with weed.


Well-Known Member
It has no ill effects on the body aside from the effects it can do to your lungs (smoking for a long period of years)...

anything else, eh, nope...


Weed makes Phlegm taste funny when you have some lung congestion
if you are concerned about health you should ingest weed and not smoke it. any smoke that you inhale is bad for your lungs and bronchial tube. your lungs were not made to like smoke inside them.


Well-Known Member
if you are concerned about health you should ingest weed and not smoke it. any smoke that you inhale is bad for your lungs and bronchial tube. your lungs were not made to like smoke inside them.
but vapor is an entirely different thing :D.

our lungs are BUILT to handle vapors/gases :D.

but yeah, ingesting is much funner and better for you. but most people don't have access to edibles, or the amount of weed it takes to make them.