How Big Is Your Penis? (Really)


New Member
U do realize that 95% of ppl on the internet lie about their penis size? so theres little reason for this thread as it wont really show anything.

For example in real life theres supposedly something called a "2 inch rule" where ppl exaggerate the size of their penis by 2 inches as thats the most they can get away with without ppl noticing or them just not believing them at all.
On the internet picture like a 4,5, even 6 or more inch rule that ppl use.

So if I hear someone say they have a 9 or more inch penis online Ill just assume that its closer to 2 inches lol. But theres no telling if anyone is telling the truth or if they are exaggerating by how much.


Well-Known Member
And 147% of people just make up statistics for posts.

so if 95% of people on the internet lie about their penis size, then roughly 90%* of women are admitting to having penises.
Soooooo, which country is our new hermaphoditic super power?

* avg 50/50 split, 45/50 being women.


New Member
And 147% of people just make up statistics for posts.

so if 95% fo people on the internet lie about their penis size, then roughly 90% of women are admitting to having penises.
Soooooo, which country is our new hermaphoditic super power?
LOL calm down.

Obviously 95% was just a statistic I threw out there (and of course Im talking about males), but the statistic is not entirely exaggerating as the majority of ppl Ive seen who post their penis size online brag about how its 9, 10, 12, 14 inches whatever when actual studies show less than .5% of males have erect penis lengths of 9 inches or above (fact). Thanks for nitpicking though.

I mean its not a big deal but Im saying dont expect to get real honest answers in threads like this. That is all.


Active Member
i can honestly say ive never sat down, got a hard on and measured my cack, but if i had 2 guess id say about 27 1/2 inches, when i sleep i hang myself upside down from it like a bat