how can i get good weed out of reggie seed


Active Member
Personally I would say a good step would be to plant it. ;-)

My first grow (4 years ago i think) was with a seed i found in a bag of the sh1tiest weed iv ever smoked, i grew it in a tiny pot under lights you could barely read by. Invested NOTHING.
I probably learned more during that grow then in the three following it.

It still got me stoned.
After abit of TLC that is.

I now grow with good lights (for the money i can put in), a good enclosure, great genetics, good soil etc. but i Do Not regret starting with bagseed.


Active Member
Well technically "bagseed" is just a seed you found in some bud you purchased. Don't down talk bagseed when its the same ish that we all smoking anyway. Just some is handled different


Active Member
same-ish If the original producer of the weed it came from was using good genetics.
For which there is no alternative.

My point was that even if this seed turns into the most pathetic deformed mutation of a plant on the planet then at least the Op would have knowledge to take to the next grow.
In my opinion the knowledge is the best thing you can get from a grow because it means you'll do better next time.
Sorry if was not clear.