how can i hide the smell???

I recently planted some plants (weed) in great concealed out of sights spots outside but in a residential area is there any way i can hide or mask the scent????please help....:weed:


Well-Known Member
I recently planted some plants (weed) in great concealed out of sights spots outside but in a residential area is there any way i can hide or mask the scent????please help....:weed:
Have a truck load of cow manure dumped next to your house. The till it in after your harvest.

Buy bags of cow manure. Cut them open and lay about every 10 feet around your back yard. Turn the shit every few days.


neem oil doesn't hurt anything it's organic you can find it at lowes/home depot

Do a search on the forums for it. ALOT of outdoor growers use it.


Have a truck load of cow manure dumped next to your house. The till it in after your harvest.

Buy bags of cow manure. Cut them open and lay about every 10 feet around your back yard. Turn the shit every few days.

This has gotta be one of the best idea's I've heard, so obvious but I never thought of it... Then again, I've never grown enough to stink up a neighborhood... lol

I do remember well though living in a suburban neighborhood, and if anyone within a block or 2 was using manure everyone knew it...