How can we ban ASSHOLES???

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Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I'm so tired of fighting with ASSHOLES, can we ban them? or could we figure out a place to put there names in, we could do a search, if the are in there we just ignore.
If not, you make the call. If they are kooks, nuts and haters, place them on this ignore lists.

What do you think, RIU Administrators???

Or are you too stoned to care???

I'll slap you in the face bitch, with love and a glove... F'n respond!!!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I guess we can't count on anymore.
I'll look around for a friendlier site.
I'll pass along a link to you all, why stay at a stagnet forum?


Well-Known Member
I posted a thread bitching about this very thing a while ago. I forgot about it. I don't post as frequently and try to spot trollers before I do now. I've never been rude or condescending to anyone on this forum and I've been attacked numerous times. You kind of just have to put up with it some how. :D


Well-Known Member
My personal take....far too many assholes in this world to take even a small fraction of them seriously.
You have two options.......bitch slap them or ignore the foolishness.:)


Well-Known Member
Definitely more opinions than facts floating around this forum but I still like it to pass the time. Best thing to do is ignore them.
I say grow some nuts, It's just the internet for god's sake, OHHH, someone typed something I didn't like,I should start a thread with asshole real big in the title and try and get them banned, I mean come on dude. Really? grow some buds and some nuts

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I say grow some nuts, It's just the INTERNET for god's sake, OH, someone typed something I didn't like,I should start a thread with asshole real big in the title and try and get them banned, I mean come on dude. Really? grow some buds and some nuts
That's what I'm Talking about, I never ever ever wrote anything to this guy, and yet he has the internet balls, the uncontrollable act toward violent attacks, why is this so? Are we still just apes barely out of the trees, I'm beginning to think so! People, are you willing to? Kill me?


Well-Known Member
I guess the point we're making is that it happens and we can't really do much about it, at all. Some of us were polite and others were very blunt but it is what it is. Sorry :(

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I'm in your computer right now, Oh you're going to leave your wife, you're a closet homo, you have sex with dogs, you like men, don't you?

All our secretes are on the net losers, don't F with me!


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm Talking about, I never ever ever wrote anything to this guy, and yet he has the internet balls, the uncontrollable act toward violent attacks, why is this so? Are we still just apes barely out of the trees, I'm beginning to think so! People, are you willing to? Kill me?
The world as we once knew it will unfortunately never be again.
People in general are rapidly on the decline.
I feel your frustration.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I'm in your computer right now, Oh you're going to leave your wife, you're a closet homo, you have sex with dogs, you like men, don't you?

All our secretes are on the net losers, don't F with me!
Are you fucking high on something? How does making a post to ban assholes not make you in turn an asshole? Did someone hurt your internet feelings? Grow up you big girl. Go whine on those other forums you were looking for.

Oh and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'll send you some tampons. Address?

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Yes they did! Hurt my fealings big time ASSHOLE! Go ahead and call me cry baby. FUCK YOU with such a little hart to match your itty bitty tiny winnie! PRICK!


Well-Known Member
im surrounded by assholes...


Well-Known Member
So is this your first time on the Internet?
Your skin is gonna have to b a bit thicker,
You don't have to like it though
Excuse me... are you ignorant? I have 915 posts here, your new so please excuse me for missing something: I'm not looking for new enemies OK?
sorry dude,your the brownest smelliest Butthole here, and you prove it more Every time you post, You can't spell and your about 13, so you aren't fooling anyone.


Pickle Queen
sub zero, dude something wrong?
u start this thread and make yourself like silly, i'm kinda confused??? really just ignore stupid people, if u ignore them they can't get what they want, that will piss them off more and they will move on. Right now your comments reflect those u claim to hate to much. Cheer up buddy lots of good people will talk to u just have some respect typing and ignore stupid comments. Go smoke a bong buddy xoxoxoxoxox (i am a girl so dont get al ewwww hugs and kisses from a dude)
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