@#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?


Well-Known Member
I have plants that just finished 7th week flower, the 2 strains i purchased look good, but I slipped some bag seed in with the grow, I only had to cut one plant b/c she was a he... well now I'm wonderig If I ruined ALL my plants b/c the bag seed plants ARE growing seeds at the base. If they were Hermys and I didn't catch it obviously, will ALL my other girls have seeds too??? although they are not showing seeds anywhere. as of yet


Well-Known Member
If you missed a hermi somewhere and it pollinated one plant chances are it got the rest of them.


Well-Known Member
here are pics of some of the buds, and here are pics of lower lvl fuqn hermys making seeds,

1st pic is of seeds, 2nd is of a small carmelicious that looks like it could have a seed in it, and the rest are just bud pics from all the plants, I'm on day 48 flowering... GOSH DAMN IT!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Ya, I would say that they are seeded. That's not completely a bad thing. You'll still get high off of your smoke, that shouldn't be a problem. This is good for you in the way that now you have a shit load of seeds, especially if this is a strain you like.

I found a male in my first crop with these new seeds, first thing I did was pollinate one of the females of the same strain then I pollinated a female from another strain that I've been growing for many years. I now have an abundance of great seeds which will save me a lot in the long run.

Look at it on a positive. Just check some of the seeds to make sure they are mature enough.


Well-Known Member
I think it turned late, I'm tempted to cut now so they don't all make more seeds.. I know i risk losing potency, but this is my first and only grow I can do for now, and would like to get back what i put into it. Should I go ahead and cut the hermys?? or should i go ahead and cut them all??


Active Member
It's possibly they are completely seeded, but the two times that has happened to me, i never ended up with more than 30 seeds, and it was really quite nice. Most my buds were beautiful and yummy!
Just treat your plants really well and they'll be healthy happy seeds! Some people say you should add a tad more N and cal-mag. I'd look at what the breeders say, but if you're gonna get seeds, might as well make em the best they can be! :blsmoke:


Active Member
i just did open that sac on the 2nd pic and it is a seed... :cry:
Just let it finish on normal schedule. Have you started flushing yet? You will still have great bud, I know it sucks finding seeds like that but I wouldn't really worry too much.


Well-Known Member
yes I flushed last week, I have cloudy Trichs on both carmelicious.. for the most part the others don't look like they have seeds, BUT I have a WW that is taking longer in flower. I know it wont be done by end of week 8 (1 week from today) but I'm torn between cutting before they make seeds, or letting them get full THC potential, but then again if they are making seeds will the energy go into that?!

I guess they turned hermie late into flower... I didnt even know to check for that, I thought I was home free..... damn it


Well-Known Member
the question came up, (this is for personal smoke only) but if you were to buy a bag, and it had seeds in it, do u consider this a plus seeing how the seeds cost 110 bucks for 10 of them, or do u see it as cheap weed now b/c it has seeds


Well-Known Member
It depends on the type of smoke that you're buying. If it's good smoke and you're able to grow your own, then you've lucked out. Seeds are great, just as long as you don't have them every cycle. Just think back at what you did to make the plants hermie. Any light changes, or whatever and make sure it doesn't happen on your next grow.