How do i get my plant to do this !!!!


Well-Known Member
is this just from tieing down your plant?, like training it, or getting it to curve like an "S".
or is it from alot of light?
i want my plant to look like the plant in the pic i posted!

so if any of you know how i can get these results, please let me know.

and my gosh! look at the bush! all the way to the left in the pic.
thats what i want :)


Well-Known Member
topped AND spread?
what do u mean by spread?
how do u spread a plant?

talk to her real sweet like. then you put your hand on her knee...........

i use stainless steel bendable wire. i hook it on the branches and spread them in the direction i want them to grow. you can hook them to the edges of the pots. drill a few little holes. you can hook and bend them back onto themselves like a bow.


Well-Known Member
I actually think blck is right on this one..... topped and spread, take EACH side shoot and tie each one down all the way around the pot, if you do it right, you could have a real nice bush


Well-Known Member
i don't know man, i'd def say topped but this looks like heavy indica anyway so the branches are going to be squaty on their own.

i want to know what their medium/ferts are!!


Active Member
If you want to go bushy, cut the end of each plant and gently squeze the cut end until you feel it crunch. what it does is give the plant 4 to 5 new branches that will grow out instead of up! crush not mash! good luck!


Active Member
aloha all, i am very new to this but i am reading ed rosenthal's closet cultivator and he says:

" Some growers build training stakes for their plants. These are actually wooden stakes with cross stakes attached. Growers tie the plant to the guides as it grows. The stakes are configured for maximum exposure to the light. Excess growth is trimmed so that the plant conforms to the pattern set by the stakes."

hope this is helpful...laterz!


Active Member
There is also something called "Horizontalizing". This is what he says about that...

"...Marijuana uses gravity to sense which direction is "up" and then grows that way. When a plant which has been growing normally is placed on its side, new growth reorients itself and starts growing up. Growers with short spaces can sometimes maximize the space in their gardenby taking the plant and placing it horizontally."

Again hope this is helpful.
