how do i get to PM status YO!?!?!

straight up just made this thing...need help getting my shit legit. add me do whatever...could use the help

thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
Here are the steps you need to follow to get PM STATUS,
One close eyes.
two get up and run backwards to nearest bulk store, cosco, sams club... whatever
three purchase 20+ computers from nicest representative in the store.
four go home and set up network on all computers
five download firefox on all computers
six go to Riu on each computer
seven post once or twice on each computer.
pm status has been reached.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
ONCE you get PM status ... so what ?
You are a stranger ... No one will give you anything till you bulk up till 500 !
Show us you are not a COP as this is a public board (every post YOU make counts)

Make yourself comfortable shadow ... it is going to take some time.
We need to get to know YOU buddy !
Let us in your Head !
Show Us you are not 9 years OLD !
