How do I grow tree?


Well-Known Member
Anyone mind sharing their exact method for growing a tree in 2-3 months?
medium / Watering frequency / PH / nutes / dosage / light / humidity, etc

It's my outdoor goal for the next summer...

I've seen first time growers get 8 foot plants but I just can't seem to break the 3 foot mark by 2 months.. I don't get it.. I've flowered plants outdoors too but they barely hit the 3 foot mark.

But then again I've been growing from seed, and I top my plants..
Do clones grow faster or something?

I've used miracle grow nutes, Botanicare nutes, House & Garden nutes...
I've grown in soil, and currently I'm growing in coco...


Active Member
gotta find a good strain,, and put her in the ground for better results, and less watering matinance..and its all about strain and veg time..longer you veg the plant the bigger it will be before budding..


Well-Known Member
Yea, that i've experienced.

I just don't get how people get 3 ft plants during veg in 1 month time, some using the same soil I am (straight FF OF).

I barely have 1 foot plants from seed in 1 month, outdoors or indoors.

I wonder if strain matters that much cus I'm growing 6 TGA strains and obviously you've seen the tree pictures in Sub's threads. I think it's more atmosphere / light / nutes...

maybe these guys are vegging with HPS which causes stretch?
I use MH and my plants are short with 1-2 inch spacing between each node.


Well-Known Member
thanks. well Mblaze's are nice, but I wanna grow something like this:
(picture taken from Subcools 2010 spring menu thread)

Agent Orange

Jack the Ripper

How does that thing even have so many colas? topped multiple times? How's it have such a round / bushy shape?

answering my own question:

oh wait I get it.. topped/fimmed and each branch is tied down / spread out in each direction so the nodes grow out..


Well-Known Member
First off you have to be in the ground or a 300 gallon pot and your not gonna use most of the chemicals you would indoors because your plants will be getting so much more outside and not rootbound. These plants are out for more than 4 months also and don't let anyone bullshit you.



Well-Known Member
When they are that big each branch has multiple colas, no topping or any of that other crap indoor growers use, they do that on their own. Check my profile for more info on my grow.


Well-Known Member
First off you have to be in the ground or a 300 gallon pot and your not gonna use most of the chemicals you would indoors because your plants will be getting so much more outside and not rootbound. These plants are out for more than 4 months also and don't let anyone bullshit you.
I understand it takes 4 months to get that big but what I don't understand is how people get 2-3 footers in 1 month when I can barely break 1 foot in 1 month.

great pics btw.

So do you still feed them or just water?


Well-Known Member
I'd say 1 foot in one month is about right anyway since it almost triple by the time they're done making the plant over 2 1/2 feet at harvest. Anymore than that and the plant is stretching or mainly sativa. It could be the strains, I had an indica that blew by my sativas in veg.