How do i tell when to start flushing? Or is flushing nessesary at all?


Active Member
Here's my story in short...

I ordered Big bud seeds from an internet site, apperantly i got the wrong seeds couse i got some sativa strain instead.
Im now in week 8 flowering and the buds are finally starting to fatten up. I know sativas can have a flower period of 10-16 weeks but without knowing what strain im growing its kinda hard to tell when to start flushing em.
What if i dont flush at all? Im growing all organic (soil and nutes). Will it reduce high or is it just a taste question?
If i do need to flush, whats the best indication to when to start doing it?


Active Member
Ok, so i dont mess anything up by not flushing? And should i just stop using nutes at some point or go all the way til harvest?


Well-Known Member
i personally feed all the way i just reduce concentrations over the last 2weeks .

You may want to stop by the ORGANICS forums to confirm for sure. Its generally whatever works for you. Try using water with 1 and feed another so you can make your own mind up.



Well-Known Member
I cant tell the fushed weed from the fed weed here. An I use MG nutes lol.
But the plants i left in the dark for 48 hrs+ befor harvest tasted better.
Maybe it gets rid of alot of clorophyll so you bud aint as green?
But ill be doing it agin..