How do i tie down my plant


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Im a first time grower and only have a small growing room! i was just wondering how do i tie my plant down? anyone got a pic of their plant that is currently tied now? :) i dont want to hurt my baby :) :leaf:


Well-Known Member
or if there is another way to stund my pnants growth it would be greatly apreaciated if you could share your knowlage :)


Well-Known Member
or if there is another way to stund my pnants growth it would be greatly apreaciated if you could share your knowlage :)

Not sure if this is the correct answer im still a noob but all the pictures i have saw were just string attached about a foot from the top of the plant or soooo and tie it down to the ground with the plant bent over...

But i dont know if theres any kind of technique to it or not? Search the forum it should be on here somewhere :fire:


Active Member
tie your plant down the minute it starts growing, use cotton or string and loosely tie it round them stem and tack it to the wall, floor or pot.

the other option it to grow the plant in a small pot to stunt the growth.

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
how would i tie down using a bubbleponic set up?????? and if i was to tie down then how many plants per cooler tub would anyone recommend if i wanted to have my plants around 5-6 foot at harvest?


Well-Known Member
I like to heat a paper clip with a lighter and put holes in the top of the pot. I loosely tie a soft string around the highest point on a branch, and tie it to the hole I made with a taught line hitch.


Well-Known Member
I like to heat a paper clip with a lighter and put holes in the top of the pot. I loosely tie a soft string around the highest point on a branch, and tie it to the hole I made with a taught line hitch.
u put ur paper clip holes in ur bubbler?


Well-Known Member
you can use those twisty ties (is that what they are called).. those things that ties the bag of bread or garbage bags... you can tape one end to the pot or whatever and use the other end as a hook... its easier than string and its less scary when it comes to handling the plant...

i don't know if you're able to buy them, but i save a couple whenever i see them, especially the longer ones that sometimes comes boxes when its a toy gun for kids. they would use it instead of styrofoam, to tie it down to the back of the box....