How do pro medical growers usually sell the stuff?


I'm actually not looking to sell, but I am a bit curious how the trade works. I understand if no one wants to talk about this but I figure it is a universal discussion.

Is it usually for pro growers who have some extras to sell about finding a middle man they trust? I assume for the classy ones it isn't evens worth getting rid of small weight. Also do you think outdoors/indoors makes no difference in price? And I would guess following the price trend is probably what works in that kind of market just like you would in a medical shop.

Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on this topic. Hope this is cool. Thanks.



Sector 5 Moderator
I think it's ok Anon. You're not offering anything for sale. I think of your question as purely hypothetical.


This is all hypothetical. I mean the same question can be asked about how alcohol was sold during alcohol prohibition.


well in colorado where i live ..Where allowed to grow it but were not allowed to make money off it ...? so here in my state the pro growers sale right to the black market didnt always use to be that way but fucked up laws to make it so only the rich can get richer .or people who have 30 grand to open up shop ..are welcome to make money but if you have extra meds off your plants your only supposed to sale them to 5 people and for what it cost you to make it ..i used to be able to go sale my extra right to the store but now i sale it for half or what the store charges just to fuck them ...FUCK COLORADO


New Member
to the ops answer indoor is worth more then outdoor and most medical growers sell to the government being there running under there guide lines normally checked etc etc