How do solar flares affect plants?


Active Member
I was wondering, if they affect people they should also affect plants since they are also living organisms. But the question is How?
I'd be happy to see some info or opinions


Active Member
Im no scientist but i would think if anything it would increase the amount of thc the plant produces as it will be getting hit by more ultraviolet radiation, the plant produces thc as a defence against this so if its got more to defend against theoretically it should produce more for more protection. I could be wrong though as it could take a few generations of plants in order for them to adapt.


Active Member
Hmm sound pretty legit to me... cool dude thanks for posting here.
I find this topic very interesting also things like growing in space and stuff like that.
I'd be glad if someone added some more things :)


Well-Known Member
i know there are people out there that can grow near perfect weed. Once in awhile i get bud thats so keefy, you can snap off a nice little snapper and burn only an edge of that and it will get you high for 2 hours. We just need to find the people that grow THAT weed and ask what they do. Solar flare anomalies and UFOs aside.


Active Member
i think the best bet would be to grow using that crazy sun machine thing from the spiderman movie


Active Member
my solar flare theory could also be acheived like so, if u are growing under a 400w hps add a 600w mh and that will bump up the uv light as mh is in the blue spectrum, therefore the plant should produce more resin to protect its calyxes.


Active Member
anyone who gets high for 2 hours off the edge of a little bud shouldnt smoke weed, id hate to see what my cheese plant would do to you, probably be burying you a week later lol


Well-Known Member
As an astronomer who owns a PST, I regularly look at solar flares - never found any effect on me though.


Active Member
There wasnt anything said about the effects on YOU, we know solar flares effect us on earth because they have knocked out power grids several times, on top of that they are so strong sometimes that they kill satellites. Hmmm this has really got me thinking about northern lights now lol


Active Member
yeah all this stuff is really amazing. I was thinking just now since there is no atmosphere when you're in space there are probly way more uv rays and probly stronger sun rays lumen wise so i guess space weed would be super potent :weed: Some astronaut growing some bud up there. As far as I remember NASA had some kind of botanical program in space :-P Hope thats still running!