How do these trichomes look?


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't check the trichomes on the leaves, even the bud leaves. Make sure you check the calyxes!! It appears that both of those close ups are on the surface of a leaf. Given that, it looks to be around 2 weeks or so away...I see a lot of cloudy, several clear, hardly any amber. Just my .02 though!!


Well-Known Member
I'd say another week. Still have some white hairs popping also. Getting close though. Looking good!


Active Member
Thanks guys!

I personally wouldn't check the trichomes on the leaves, even the bud leaves. Make sure you check the calyxes!! It appears that both of those close ups are on the surface of a leaf. Given that, it looks to be around 2 weeks or so away...I see a lot of cloudy, several clear, hardly any amber. Just my .02 though!!
Yes with my microscope all I could do was cut a sugar leaf from directly off the main cola. What should the calyxes be looking like? Fully amber?


Well-Known Member
If they are amber it's getting past the point of when you should of pulled it, unless you like the couchlock type high then keep it going but remember you only have 7-10 days prime time for picking it.


Active Member
Oh I know they still look a little bit clear and cloudy so at least a few more days before totally cloudy, I just am not sure how long it'll take


Well-Known Member
Bump. Still looking for opinions. Thinking of harvesting this weekend
I haven't done anything scientific, but due to time constraints and way too much bud to trim (these were all plants trimmed to be a replacement mother, and blueberry is already a bushy, small bud-producing nightmare), I spent almost a week trimming my plants this last harvest. I had a couple of hours each day I could sneak away and trim. I also had plants busting out of my tiny veg closet. So I moved the plants to be harvested into another room. The last few trimmed had been sitting in the dark and not been watered for 5-6 days. I didn't notice any difference between the ones I harvested on day 1 versus the ones I got to on day 6.


Active Member
I heard just 24 hours it can,I never tried,but from what I hear it doesn't make any difference.
For sure, I hear 24-48 hours does create a defense therefor bud production, though I haven't tried it yet. I'll try and find a happy medium.

I haven't done anything scientific, but due to time constraints and way too much bud to trim (these were all plants trimmed to be a replacement mother, and blueberry is already a bushy, small bud-producing nightmare), I spent almost a week trimming my plants this last harvest. I had a couple of hours each day I could sneak away and trim. I also had plants busting out of my tiny veg closet. So I moved the plants to be harvested into another room. The last few trimmed had been sitting in the dark and not been watered for 5-6 days. I didn't notice any difference between the ones I harvested on day 1 versus the ones I got to on day 6.
Interesting, I'm only harvesting one right now so I won't be able to tell you if it's any differnt but next time I'll try it out

Po boy

Well-Known Member
after all the work, why not let them sit in the dark for a couple of days. can't hurt. GL