How do they look...?

First grow, two feminized white widows. Made just about every rookie mistake imaginable along the way, but they're now two weeks into 12/12 and it looks like things are coming along nicely. But I wouldn't mind, and would in fact greatly appreciate, a second opinion from those more knowledgeable and experienced hands out there. Thanks, y'all...



Well-Known Member
wat r ur temps?? looks a bit warm in there?? something is making them do that clawing/curling thing they r doing. maybe a bit heavy on the nitrogen??
Temp's about 80F at the pot tops, gets down to 65-70 in dark cycle. Good air movement. Nitrogen shouldn't be a problem, as they were well flushed a couple weeks before flowering began. One light feeding of Tiger Bloom about 10 days ago. That's about it...