How do you get feminised seeds i no must read

phil le b

Well-Known Member
How do you get feminised seeds
Introduction: During the 1960's and 1970's some cannabis breeders took
to experimenting with Colchicine. Colchicine, a powerful mutagen for
both man and beast, stops cell duplication, while the cellcore
duplication continues the same. The end result is a doubling or more of
the chromosome set. This treatment can be beneficial to cannabis
because it enforces many properties such as higher production of thc and
resistance to disease.What also resulted, when gender chromosomes
doubled, is that male or female chromosomes appear manifold, called
Hermaphrodites. What's the plant to become? It becomes all at once.
The result is called feminized or effeminate seed.Genetically, a
cannabis plant is more or less predisposed to become male or female.
This is regulated by 2 chromosomes everyone knows as
the X and Y chromosomes. A plant with 2 XX chromosomes becomes female.
A plant with an X and Y turns into a male. Plants have hormones that
regulate it's functioning, of which gender is one of those functions.
The hormone balance is genetically determined, and partly influenced by
environmental factors. An example is when plant roots get
damaged. The roots will produce a substance that in turn slows down
leaf growth. The result is male flowers. When discussing hormone balance
you get FEMALE SEED: a female is a plant with XX or only female
chromosomes.When you have a seed with just X chromosomes, you are
certain this seed will grow into a plant that is genetically female.
To achieve the XX only plant: a female plant is forced by a hormone
called Gibberellic Acid to produce male flowers, the pollen created
contains only X chromosomes, when you offer this pollen to another
female plant you can be absolutely certain to get seeds which are
100% XX. Once again this seed is called FEMALE SEED. Gibberellic Acid
can be found in online. It takes years for an individual to achieve the
proper plant hormone manipulation to get 100% female XX seed.
Supplies therefore fluctuate and there are many different strains
available worldwide.