How do you keep tabs on ur plants?

I just started my first grow and after a few dozen trips into my grow room just to check on vitals i thought.gee this should be easier! My first thought was web cam. That wasn't enough. I need it more portable I don't wanna be a slave to a laptop. Another brilliant baked idea hit me. iPhone!! I found a neat app called jumicam that streams live webcam feed straight to my iPhone!!! Now I can keep tabs on temp and humidity from my pocket!!! I now see my iPhone 3gs is now a valuable piece of my grow. :shock:


Well-Known Member
not being horrible, but maybe paranoid, what if the police were to find your phone and Find out about your plants.
I would gladly show them my medical card and thank them ever so kindly for returning my iPhone :) not to mention there is a login and password required to view the cam. But a very good concern. Thank you!


Active Member
HAHA damn all these app's out there who Knew mad prop's on that idea im always thinking about my girls. i need a phone that dosn't suck lol
Lol just think about things in life that can be difficult and ask there an app for that? And there prob is! I just got this phone Friday as an early Christmas present from the wife... It hasn't really left my hands since.