How do you like to toke?


Active Member
Personally, I prefer a gravity bong.

i feel as though there's no smoke wasted since its a vacuum.

Although I do enjoy myself a nice blunt.

When shit gets tough, I always have my bowl on me. I never smoke with a screen though, no pain no gain I guess lolol how do you prefer to toke?


Well-Known Member
I use bongs for the most part, but I enjoy joints more. It's easier to relax hitting a joint than having to pack the bong over and over.


Active Member
I use bongs for the most part, but I enjoy joints more. It's easier to relax hitting a joint than having to pack the bong over and over.
So true!

try playing League of Legends while trying to pass a bong. Lmao epic fail

at least with a joint, u can lay on ur bed and play some ps3 while getting stoned. :)


Well-Known Member
I do it all but prefer the bong. i used to be a heavy blunt smoker until i bought my new bong, well not new anymore but it does save allot of weed.


Well-Known Member
been using the vape more than anything... been coughing up an alarming amount of black shit and blood occasionally (use screens in everything). I don't remember coughing up this much shit when I smoked cigarettes AND weed... I am worried I may have some how caught lung cancer from smoking with my mom... she was in her final stages and coughing up huge chunks of tumors and stuff and I had smoked with her a bit. Worried I may have inhaled a cancerous cell or two. Not sure if its even possible but my breathing has been getting more and more difficult.

Most my life the bong was always the weapon of choice. Still is but the vape is nice cause I don't have to light it. Down side is it ties me to one location while medicating.


Well-Known Member
Please tell me you are joking about acquiring cancer from your mother by "inhaling a cancerous cell or two"? That is the most ridiculous, and uneducated statement I have read on here.