How do you smoke yours?


Well-Known Member
hi everyone, well theres loads n loads of ways to smoke cannabis each with its own pro's and con's. but which gets you the highest and which is less damaging for the health?

i started smoking weed in bongs, usually half of a coca-cola bottle with a bread bag selataped to it, these were really harsh but got you absolutly mashed. A friend actually had a clapsed lung from one of these, thats when it was time to calm it down with them lol

over the 6 years ive been smoking weed ive smoked it in all kinds of ways, pure blunts, bongs, buckets, pipes, and even one of them vapourizer but the trusty old spliff is the best!

now days i just usaully smoke the spliffs and ive got one of them turkish peace pipe things, think its called a hookah, it smokes really well and burns your goods from a piece of charcoal rather than a flame, it also runs the smoke through water to cool it, and u can mix flavoured tobacco to add to the taste. < ^ if you like bongs but dont want that harshness deffinetly a worth while buy!

so, how do you smoke yours?



Well-Known Member
On a rare occassion that I don't have the one hitter quitter Sour Diesel, Blueberry/N.L. or DaPurps, i roll blunts. I'm picky about blunts with too much paper leaf tho, I like the leaf to be real thin.... I used to hit bongs, stopped them about ten years ago. Now I just hit my trusty glass piece. I only take a feww tokes at a time, but I do this alll day, every day...


Well-Known Member
i like to smoke mine in a spliff if i want the taste, bubbly (water bong) if i want more smoke vapour if i cant let my room stink, and if im smoking resin its tha bag bong, theres nothing better having a bbq in the nice hot wether all ya mates beer and a spliff lol :)


Well-Known Member
#1 Joints
#2 Bowls
#3 Bongs
#4 Blunts

That's not the order I like them, it's the order of which I smoke the most.


Active Member
lol a coke bottle and a thump piece ................................... na just jking a few joints every now and than but usualy hit the nice wax made bongs bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
bongs or blunts

ive got a little collection of assorted pipes and bongs, but my buddy has a ridiculous collection of just about everything.

ive noticed that when we smoke a bowl out of one of the bigger pieces and ill high as giraffe pussy, but if i smoke out of one of my normal sized bongs it doesnt get me near that and ill smoke like 3 or 4 bowls

gotta get me a 4 footer

Pete Moss

Active Member
Healthiest? Gotta be Vriptech..vapor in a bong through ice with precisely controlled temperature..check it out at I think. For on the run I really like my solopipe, also a .com, a coupla-hitter that looks like a camera or cell phone but is self-lighting, refillable, one-handed, very handy...


Well-Known Member
the past few days i have been smoking blunts, but i smoke bowls and bongs just as a regular as i smoke blunts,

which has been everyday, so i get a nice pie


Well-Known Member
vaporizer if i have a choice......just gimme the good stuff. no need to smoke anything but the trichs. but dude is gotta have a good temp control or you just have an overpriced hooka


Well-Known Member
by bowl do you mean half of a bottle in a bowl of water? thats what i ment by bucket bong...


Active Member
I love jonts
:joint: no worries with them ya?
I allways walk by a lake and if some asshole yells at me I throw it in the watter and claim its a hand rolled cigarette.
Blunts are cool too
then vape

then bongs, smooth big hits haha
then bowls
:peace:(first post)


Well-Known Member
I usually smoke ONLY out of a gravity bong b/c w/ no job i must look for what gets me highest, quickest, w/ the smallest amount of weed used. haha. I love bongs though, i usually go visit my bro and chill at his apartment w/ his 3 bongs and a couple blunts. haha, and the gravity bong is always out. :-P


Active Member
Order of which I smoke the most:

Order of likeness: