How do you store spore syringes?+REP 4 HELP


Well-Known Member
I got two syringes with spore i wanted to know if i could sore them in a ridge maybe use half and use hale anyone know if this could be done?


to my knowledge, light does nothing to spores.... as for how long, I cant say for sure, but I can say over a year for sure ;)


Active Member
They should last longer then a year. store them in a ziplock, bag.

SHOULD last longer then a year, but shit happens. u never know. so make sure to take tons of spore prints!

even if u dont know how to turn a spore print into a syringe, take spore prints anyway, and when your ready to take that step, you will have something to work with.

wait till the veil begins to tear away from the cap, cut the cap off, and lay it on a rectangle piece of foil, with a cup over it, (i use plastic disposable.) but prop the cup up on a nickle that way there is a small beather hole, so that humidity, can escape. (if not you will come back to a slimy mess) then leave it there for 24 hours. then carfully lift up the cap off the foil. and fold the foil over on itself, and around the edges, to make a protected packet. label that packet with the date, and the strain. then place it in a ziplock bag. it will keep for years. then u can still take the cap u used, and dry it. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN!


Well-Known Member
They say they should be used within 6 months, But I have had sucess after about 1.5 years and however long the vendor had them

Just try to shake them up every now and again so the spores dont settle into a large mass and clog the point

Prints are MUCH better for storage

Mike Clark

I can tell you with certainty that spore syringes, when properly made, do not go bad. I've used a 3 year old spore syringe that was kept in a shoe box. It did not have the needle installed, but a tip cap instead.

If the needle is intalled then I would use it quickly, but if its brand new, properly made (with no needle installed on it) then you can just throw it where ever as long as the temperature doesn't go above 105* F