How does she/he look


Just wondering if my plant looks ok, first grow here, temp 74f, cfl bulbs, 24/0 cicle, from seed, no nut...
Being my first grow i need approval :P, and does it look like a sativa plant? my growing space is very limited: 40x40x80, i have 3 seedlings in 1.5 liter pots



Well-Known Member
Going ok. Reduce watering get a fan in there and try to keep temps up a bit more, this will give them more vigour. Dont know if its sativa.


Going ok. Reduce watering get a fan in there and try to keep temps up a bit more, this will give them more vigour. Dont know if its sativa.

Thanks, i try to spray the soil and not pour water, i also am thinking of watering them from below, using the holes in the bottom of the pot and let the soil absorb as much water as it needs,
I read that the ideal temp is 24c, 74f...thats why i lowered it from 28c, can you please tell me what is the best temp?

Thank you


Active Member
Looks like you're off to a great start. If they get soggy it'll make the leaves wavey like that, perfect is when they lay flat.
Your soil looks dense.......I concur with BUDS. Not so bad now but frequent watering is a bad habit that will come back to haunt you.


thank you for the tip, what is the best time to water? when the top is dry, when i think my finger 2 cm in and i fell its dry? or just once every 2-3 days :P


Active Member
Watering is a big part of the learning curve & it's different for all. When the top looks dry i bump the pot, if it feels lite i general. After awhile you can use water to control the plant.
25% of the water you put in should come out the bottom of the pot. I use 2 gal. water so i can get 1/2 gal. out & only enough nutes for 1 gal. so as not to burn. I use pot size to keep water on everyother day cycle.
So pot size controls water cycle & amount, water is a tool to manipulate the plant. That's all just an example of one little world.....everyone is different.


thank you, it was under watered, i watered it 6 hours ago, this is how it looks now, my question is are the leaves turning because they are searching for light/? i need to add more?



Active Member
If they needed water then the leaves are turning from too much nute. If you haven't added nutes yet, then it's coming from the soil. I bet one good flush with plain water will show improvement.
Don't see any light issues, I still think they look awsome.


no nutes added, it might be from the soil as i got some generic flower one from the supermarket :P...i will wait a bit more with the flushing to see if they get any better, i dont see any discoloration on the plant so the nutes are not making any problems yet...and if they get bigger they will eat more, and i believe its better to eat first what they are used to than me adding nutes earlier :)
she is about 10-12 days old and i am seeing the second set of leaves pushing, i am starting to fall in love :P


Well-Known Member
Generic flower soil... Miracle Grow? Scott's?

Happy growing! If you're already in love, you'll cry when it's gonna be time to chop them down... just like me.