How Does This Plant Look?


swim was given this plant for free yesterday and was told by the guy he got it from that it was 4 weeks away from harvesting.

Swim knows basically nothing about growing but wants to get the most he can from this plant.

How does it look? Is it really 4 weeks away from harvesting? What can I do to improve the plant's health? And do you have any estimation on how much can be yielded from this?

Thanks in advance!

Also, the reason there's a large wood stick behind the plant is because it was originally in a mcdonalds cup tipping over, so the stick keeps it upright.



Well-Known Member
swim was given this plant for free yesterday and was told by the guy he got it from that it was 4 weeks away from harvesting.

Swim knows basically nothing about growing but wants to get the most he can from this plant.

How does it look? Is it really 4 weeks away from harvesting? What can I do to improve the plant's health? And do you have any estimation on how much can be yielded from this?

Thanks in advance!

Also, the reason there's a large wood stick behind the plant is because it was originally in a mcdonalds cup tipping over, so the stick keeps it upright.
be honest man that looks like shit after it has dryed i rekon you are gunna get about a joint