How far down to plant?


I'm planting outside guerrilla style. My plants on going on about 2 1/2 weeks and out of 7 of them two are doing really well. However they are starting to fall over because of how long the stem is getting. How far should I plant these into the ground? Enough so they are stable? Is is possible to plant them too far? The plants are about 9" tall and about 6" of stem before they reach the base of the larger leaves.

Also any suggestions on the nutes to give them and when? Or point me to a post where it explains this better for outdoors? can't really seem to find good info on what to give them and when.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Outdoor Growing <<<<read through some of these and then use the search function at the top of the page,and the plants can be planted up to the seed leaves good luck keep us posted on your progress...rob:peace:


Well-Known Member
Plant them as deep as needed to bring the level of dirt to the bottom of the first set of leaves.