How is everyone doing?


Well-Known Member
While it would be cool if catnip was in the same family, catnip is not the same as cannabis.

Catnip is an asterid while cannabis is a Rosid


Well-Known Member
Ahh..very insightful..

I was thinking it could be the essential oil within certain terpenes.

Not sure if it's mycrene or caryophyline... It possesses an ammonia scent, which would be similar to cat piss.

Catnip makes sense though, Mack(my cat) LOVES some


Well-Known Member
My cat, she doesn't really go ape shit for nip, but will by all means eat it as if it's nothing, like some snack or something.


Well-Known Member
She eats it, and doesn't go fucking bat-shhit bonkers?

Mack gets straight buck-wild, it's like he's tripping balls really, haha, I swear he's hallucinating.

He loves the laser, nip or not.


Well-Known Member
Nah. It's more of a snack for her, and I don't think she is the 75% of cats that have reactions to catnip- I could be wrong. She could be on Mars and hold her own weight like a champ

Judge Mental

Active Member
What's up everyone! Hope all you guys are safe and stoned! My house and myself made it through this stupid fire crap thanks to some top notch firefighters! My house is at the bottom of that mountain ridge thats on fire. That's all the further it got, but man that's close enough for me! Thank you to all the Colo RIU'ers for the nice words!



Well-Known Member
@Judge, really really nice to hear you, and your home are safe and sound.

Quick story,
Gotta buddy (fellow stoner as well) who lives in BF.

So, the day the fire took off, I texted him to see if he was okay. Well I didn't heat back from him til two days later..via text
” I'm broke, homeless and hungry”

So, being a friend, I told him to come to the restaurant where I work, and I'll get ya a hot meal, and you can hang if you don't gotta place to go.

Long story short, I bought him, and two people I didn't even know dinner under the assumption he had lost his house...turns out his house never burned, flames were in his vicinity..but no damage to the house.

I'm thinking I was swindled...haha..oh well, this will not change my” nice guy” attitude, I do things like this because I enjoy helping others.

I wish more folks were like this tight-knit group in this specific sub-forum.


Well-Known Member
how am I doing

cheap independent bong bowl piece broke. Barely a minor drop but I guess I hit that sweet spot.

Of course when I throw it across the street it is pampered falling by the tree... it didnt break. I'll look for it tomorrow lol


Well-Known Member
no no no. fuck that shit. you educate yourself with the fire and stay. they tried doing that shit here. oh leave leave, you have to get out. nah. never will i leave when i have my girls out, or a house to loose. we back burn here. have a fire coming your way? start a fire outside your yard and eliminate the one that is threatening you