How long can a seed live?


Well-Known Member
How long can a seed last before it becomes unable to grow? I am asking because I found a bagseed from some very good OG yesterday and I'm not ready to plant it yet. How much time could I have?


Well-Known Member
I've germinated four year old Mexican schwag sativa seeds kept in a dark prescription bottle. I would wager that someone else in this forum has successfully germinated older seeds.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I know he aint callin me an asshole.. as I know what I say and say what I know sounds like a personal problem..that broad is pretty tore up in the avatar though looks like a man with his cock cut off ewww


Well-Known Member
Dude, check the guy that sprouted some seeds from 78'. I don't know how they survived. You can find his journal.