How long can i leave a seed submerged in water after it has germed already??


ok, so i germed some seeds but none are even half an inch and they have been germing for like a week under water in a cup, i like planting seeds when the germed seeds get long so i can actually watch it grow from over the soil with some taproot visible, but these just won't grow and the last one i germed and planted died because the seed never cracked ( it germed and all but the starting leaves never came out of the shell or seed)

Can i leave them in the cup for a longer time or should i do the paper towel method? (take them out of the cup and onto a moist napkin) because last time i did the paper towel method, they got long as FU*k, and i started successfully...


Active Member
theres so many way to do it...ive hear you should only leave the seed in the water for 24 hours because you can drown it. ive also heard that you can leave it in the water till it sinks.

im confused...did you say you like to watch the taproot?...thats your problem the tap root need to go in the soil and be in darkness...only if that what you said.
put the taproot down in the soil and COVER IT with about 1/2 inch-1/4 inch of soil. then wait for them to pop outa the soil and watch them grow


theres so many way to do it...ive hear you should only leave the seed in the water for 24 hours because you can drown it. ive also heard that you can leave it in the water till it sinks.

im confused...did you say you like to watch the taproot?...thats your problem the tap root need to go in the soil and be in darkness...only if that what you said.
put the taproot down in the soil and COVER IT with about 1/2 inch-1/4 inch of soil. then wait for them to pop outa the soil and watch them grow

Okay so heres the seed dry, before germination. 0
heres the seed when in water, submerged for a week. 0==>
thats very short to plant for me because everytime i plant when they germ to that size, the root turns green, then brown then dies before the shell even cracks.
I like to plant them when they are like this
that way since they're big, i KNOW they are ready.
BUt the thing i'm trying to figure out is, can i leave it in water to let it get that big or should i put them in a paper towel ??

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i only germ seeds to make sure they crack and aren't duds. the second i see taproot i plant them. if the roots turn colors and die than there is something wrong. i suspect your problem is that you are germing them in water. leaving the seeds in water for a week and then putting them in the paper towel is your problem. soak the seeds in the water for a few hours and then put them in the paper towel. if you soak seeds too long they rot. seeds like to be moist not submerged in stagnant water.


i only germ seeds to make sure they crack and aren't duds. the second i see taproot i plant them. if the roots turn colors and die than there is something wrong. i suspect your problem is that you are germing them in water. leaving the seeds in water for a week and then putting them in the paper towel is your problem. soak the seeds in the water for a few hours and then put them in the paper towel. if you soak seeds too long they rot. seeds like to be moist not submerged in stagnant water.
I've done it before though, with success. Do you think i should plant them already ? even though they are about 1/4 inch long ?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I've done it before though, with success. Do you think i should plant them already ? even though they are about 1/4 inch long ?
yes, plant as soon as you see a taproot if they are in standing water. there is only so much water a seedling can absorb before it rots. if you have had success in the past with this method it could have been a particularly resiliant strain, but i wouldn't count on it for continued success. the water at this stage is only to soften the shell and make sure it cracks and nothing else. this is why people use paper towels, to create an environment close to warm soil while also having the ability to view the seed as it progresses. once the shell is cracked and throw it right into the dirt and keep moist (not soaked) and warm. some people keep it in the dark till it breaks soil, some don't. the important thing is to make sure it's warm and that the soil has enough moisture for the root to be able to feed.

this is how i germ my seeds and i have nearly flawless results, i would say at least 98% success.
1. fill 16 oz party cup with lukewarm water
2. put 3 drops of superthrive in the water and mix well. (the superthrive is optional. it's a bit pricy and some people call it snake oil but i cannot deny my results since using it)
3. soak seeds for an hour or so in the cup (i like to swirl them around and see how they "behave". some sink and some don't, but i usually get them all to germ. swirling is for amusement purposes only at this point)
4. get 1 full sheet of paper towel, fold it in 4ths, and dip halfway into cup, fold dry half onto wet half and squeeze gently so whole paper towel is uniformly wet. it should be wet but no so wet that you could swing it at someone and get water on them. only excess water gets squeezed.
5. put seeds (several if you want) in paper towel and fold over. it doesnt matter how you fold it just make sure you have at least 2 layers on each side so it doesnt dry out.
6. (i think this step and the next one are the main reasons for my success.) place paper towel in ziplock bag and fold over but DO NOT SEAL. you want it to breathe a bit.
7. take ziplock bag and stick it on top of your cable box or computer tower or something else that is extremely warm all the time.

now just check on them a couple times a day. the bag will get a lot of condensation which keeps the paper towel moist, but this also means you have to check every so often to make sure there is no mold or mildew (i have never once had mold or anything happen but i'm sure it could). flip them once a day. i have germed at least 10 strains this way and have similar success with all. you should have taproot within 2 days, maybe 3 (it has never taken me longer than 2).
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yes, plant as soon as you see a taproot if they are in standing water. there is only so much water a seedling can absorb before it rots. if you have had success in the past with this method it could have been a particularly resiliant strain, but i wouldn't count on it for continued success. the water at this stage is only to soften the shell and make sure it cracks and nothing else. this is why people use paper towels, to create an environment close to warm soil while also having the ability to view the seed as it progresses. once the shell is cracked and throw it right into the dirt and keep moist (not soaked) and warm. some people keep it in the dark till it breaks soil, some don't. the important thing is to make sure it's warm and that the soil has enough moisture for the root to be able to feed.

this is how i germ my seeds and i have nearly flawless results, i would say at least 98% success.
1. fill 16 oz party cup with lukewarm water
2. put 3 drops of superthrive in the water and mix well. (the superthrive is optional. it's a bit pricy and some people call it snake oil but i cannot deny my results since using it)
3. soak seeds for an hour or so in the cup (i like to swirl them around and see how they "behave". some sink and some don't, but i usually get them all to germ. swirling is for amusement purposes only at this point)
4. get 1 full sheet of paper towel, fold it in 4ths, and dip halfway into cup, fold dry half onto wet half and squeeze gently so whole paper towel is uniformly wet. it should be wet but no so wet that you could swing it at someone and get water on them. only excess water gets squeezed.
5. put seeds (several if you want) in paper towel and fold over. it doesnt matter how you fold it just make sure you have at least 2 layers on each side so it doesnt dry out.
6. (i think this step and the next one are the main reasons for my success.) place paper towel in ziplock bag and fold over but DO NOT SEAL. you want it to breathe a bit.
7. take ziplock bag and stick it on top of your cable box or computer tower or something else that is extremely warm all the time.

now just check on them a couple times a day. the bag will get a lot of condensation which keeps the paper towel moist, but this also means you have to check every so often to make sure there is no mold or mildew (i have never once had mold or anything happen but i'm sure it could). flip them once a day. i have germed at least 10 strains this way and have similar success with all. you should have taproot within 2 days, maybe 3 (it has never taken me longer than 2).
Thanks Man ! I am going to do this now, nobody ever made it clear as you did as to why the cup method should only be used for a minimal amount of time.....can you recommend a good seed site ? i don't want to buy 80$ seeds and end up with a letter from customs...


Well-Known Member
Attitude just ordered for first time and it came in 10 business they said and there was a holiday. They send in shirt so no one can even tell.


Active Member
I had no issues with ATTITUDE at all. I use the DINAFEM brand that they sell, also no issues.

You are only supposed to put them in water a day, until they sink. Then take them out and use the paper towel method. I believe you are drowning them. As soon as they have a "tail" in the paper towel, plant them, tail down, seed pod up, so that the seed is about 1/4 inch under the dirt. Pour a tablespoon of water on them to keep them moist. Then wait. They'll pop right up.
ok, so i germed some seeds but none are even half an inch and they have been germing for like a week under water in a cup, i like planting seeds when the germed seeds get long so i can actually watch it grow from over the soil with some taproot visible, but these just won't grow and the last one i germed and planted died because the seed never cracked ( it germed and all but the starting leaves never came out of the shell or seed)

Can i leave them in the cup for a longer time or should i do the paper towel method? (take them out of the cup and onto a moist napkin) because last time i did the paper towel method, they got long as FU*k, and i started successfully...
I'm confused, if you said they started successfully using the paper towel method then why are you fucking with it?


Well-Known Member
guys iv germed a seed yh its cracked but shell fallen off b4 iv planted it will it survie?? 1st time its ever happend to me really fuked me off whont it die????


Well-Known Member
i put my seeds into a cup of water and leave them in the dark for 2 to 5 days. some take longer to pop then others.

i'm not sure why you'd want the root to be long. i prefer to plant them as soon as the tail pops out. less chance of damage when i'm stoned and planting the seeds!


Active Member
quickest way to get them open is the cloth can leave them submerged wont drown them it will slow the growth alot..


Active Member
Okay so heres the seed dry, before germination. 0
heres the seed when in water, submerged for a week. 0==>
thats very short to plant for me because everytime i plant when they germ to that size, the root turns green, then brown then dies before the shell even cracks.
I like to plant them when they are like this
that way since they're big, i KNOW they are ready.
BUt the thing i'm trying to figure out is, can i leave it in water to let it get that big or should i put them in a paper towel ??
You are killing them by submerging them in water for that long. Germinating them by submerging them in filtered water is the best way I know of... But you must only submerge them for 12 hours MAX. Just long enough to crack the seed. Usually you can then immediately put them in soil, but if their tap root is still barely visible you can first put them onto a wet paper towel for another day or so before planting them.
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Active Member
guys iv germed a seed yh its cracked but shell fallen off b4 iv planted it will it survie?? 1st time its ever happend to me really fuked me off whont it die????
You're hijacking the thread! And I'm enabling you cuz im gonna reply!
If the tap root has fallen off then it's not going to survive.