how long could i veg seedlings in PC case

Gum B

6 out 6 purple wrecks germ and sprouted in 18oz solo cups under 2 23w & 2 26w cfls in a large pc case. How long could I veg these before I move into my grow tent. I'm waiting on soil to arrive.


Gum B

Please read I want to know how long I could VEG not flower in this pc case . I was hoping I could get away with 2.5 - 3 weeks before transferring to flower room. Also I have one seedlings that's growing extremely slow what does that mean?


yeah i would say 3 weeks thats depending on how fast they grow. slow seedlings dont really mean anything besides its growing slow, let it develop its root system more.

Gum B

I just wanted to make sure cause one time before I had a seedling that pop out the soil but it did not even grow an inch and that was after 15 days. I eventually pulled it out cause I thought it was not going to grow that's how I'm feeling about this current one.


Well-Known Member
no reason to pull it out until it dies. :) you'll be fine vegging all of them in there for a couple of weeks and maybe up to a month. you've got plenty of room and a little crowding during veg won't hurt anything. Good luck green clay fella. And watch out for them blockheads.