how long does it take till nute burn shows ?


Well-Known Member
say i put too much nutes in my water, how long will it take till the effects are shown ? and what will be the effects ?
- will it be the next day or 2 ?
- brown tips on the leaf ?


Well-Known Member
My guesstimation is about 3-4 days. Newer growth will show it first if my memory server me correctly.


Active Member
You can feel the leaves (especially the fan leaves) and detect it about 1 day early. If they feel slightly crispy and crinkly not soft and cool then are most likely suffering from wilt- can't get enough water to leaves. If you know you gave them a high dose and mediums not too moist you can flush em with plain water. They'll show overwatering syptoms for a bit, but then they'll perk right back up and have no permanent damage.