how long does it take until a plant will start bidding?


Active Member
I have a plant that's about 6 weeks old and I can start to smell a marijuana sent. Wondering if this Is a sign of budding?


Active Member
Should've been on 18/6, but I guess it couldn't hurt.

Yes, if it has been on 12/12 for two weeks, buds should be beginning to form, depending on the light source.

Though I'd suggest a little longer veg. period, next time.
my first post has to be silly sarcasm...

If Only I could teach my plants to do ebay too... they have enough work.

Well I guess we know what you mean, but after about the 30-90 days budding/curing... they should be ready to do your bidding...

Sorry to much of a lyricist...


plants BIDDING??????:confused:..just busting balls..u should be ok..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Usually within the first five to 10 days a plant will show sex, Depends on strain for length of time to finish!